
1.2.1 • Public • Published

🚀 DT-Workspace CLI

DT-Workspace is a revolutionary command-line tool that streamlines AI-driven software development by enabling a structured workflow from SOW documentation to modular task management. It eliminates the barriers of programming languages and frameworks, allowing developers to focus on professional AI-assisted software creation.

📌 Features

✔️ Initialize a new project workspace ✔️ Define and manage SOW (Statement of Work) documents ✔️ Add and manage software modules based on SOW ✔️ Create structured design, coding, and testing tasks in YAML format ✔️ Optimized YAML format for seamless AI interpretation ✔️ Automate task generation using AI-driven templates ✔️ Enable professional AI-driven software development workflows ✔️ Seamlessly integrate with version control for PR-based task management ✔️ Future-ready with a dedicated website & docs

🔗 Website & Documentation (Coming Soon)

📌 Installation

Using NPM

npm install -g @dt-workspace/cli

Using Yarn

yarn global add @dt-workspace/cli

🔹 Verify Installation:

dt-workspace --version

📌 CLI Usage

🚀 Initialize a New Project

dt-workspace init <project_name>

🔹 Example:

dt-workspace init myProject

✔ Creates a new project folder with a .dt-workspace config file.

📦 Add a New Module

dt-workspace add module <module_name>

🔹 Example:

dt-workspace add module authentication

✔ Adds a module YAML file inside the modules/ directory.

📝 Add a New Task

dt-workspace add task <task_name>

🔹 Example:

dt-workspace add task implement_login

Prompts the user to select a module and generates structured task files inside:

  ├── authentication/
  │   ├── tasks/
  │   │   ├── implement_login/
  │   │   │   ├── design/
  │   │   │   │   ├── design_implement_login.yaml
  │   │   │   ├── coding/
  │   │   │   │   ├── implement_implement_login.yaml
  │   │   │   ├── testing/
  │   │   │   │   ├── test_implement_login.yaml

📌 Help & Documentation

To view all available commands:

dt-workspace help

Example Output:

📌 DT-Workspace CLI - Help Guide
A command-line tool for managing workspace projects, modules, and tasks.

    dt-workspace init <project_name>            # Create a new project
    dt-workspace add module <module_name>       # Add a new module
    dt-workspace add task <task_name>           # Add a new task
    dt-workspace list module                    # List all modules
    dt-workspace list task                      # List all tasks
    dt-workspace delete project <project_name>  # Delete a project
    dt-workspace delete module <module_name>    # Delete a module
    dt-workspace delete task <task_name>        # Delete a task
    dt-workspace --version                      # Show CLI version
    dt-workspace help                           # Show this help message

yarn global upgrade @dt-workspace/cli

📌 Example Workflows

1️⃣ Create a New Project

dt-workspace init myProject

2️⃣ Add a Module

dt-workspace add module user-authentication

3️⃣ Add a Task to a Module

dt-workspace add task password-reset

✔ System will prompt module selection before creating the task.

📌 Coming Soon 🎉

🚀 Official Documentation Website: A dedicated website with full documentation, examples, and API references is coming soon. Stay tuned! 🔗 Visit dt-workspace.com (Coming Soon)

📌 Author & Contributions

👤 Author: Deepak Tiwari

🔗 LinkedIn: Deepak Tiwari

💡 Open for collaborations & contributions! If you find issues or have feature requests, feel free to contribute.

🛠 Contribute:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a feature branch (feature-new-command)
  3. Submit a pull request (PR)

📌 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

🚀 Start Building with DT-Workspace CLI!




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  • deepaktiwari09