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Using these generators/executors you can easily add a Svelte-kit application to your NX monorepo. Based on the create-svelte package, you can choose between a number of different templates, as well als adapters.



The application-generator allows you to add SvelteKit application, based on the provided tempalte, to your NX-monorepo. During the setup you can also pick which adapter it should use (though the default options are somehwat limited).

Property Default Description
name The name for this new NX application.
template skeleton The template to use (adopted from the create-svelte package), options are "skeleton" or "demo"
adapter auto The adapter to use, options are "auto", "node" and "static"


The route-generator allows you to add a route to your application using a +page.svelte file, along with any data-loading code if required. When adding a route with arguments, please wrap the route in double-quotes as the brackets aren't understood by the NX-cli.

Property Default Description
route The route you want to add, when including argument (like [slug]) it should be surrounded with quotes.
project The project we should add the route to. Generator fails if there is no svelte.config.js-file present.
loadData false Whether or not data-loading should occur (generates a +page.ts-file)
serverSide false Whether or not data-loading should occur server-side (generates a +page.server.ts-file)


The layout-generator adds a +layout.svelte file with a default slot at the path you've provided, along with any data-loading code if required. When adding a layout to a route with arguments, please wrap the route in double-quotes as the brackets aren't understood by the NX-cli.

Property Default Description
route The route where you want to add the layout, when route includes arguments (like [slug]) it should be surrounded with quotes.
project The project we should add the layout to. Generator fails if there is no svelte.config.js-file present.
loadData false Whether or not data-loading should occur (generates a +layout.ts-file)
serverSide false Whether or not data-loading should occur server-side (generates a +layout.server.ts-file)



The build-executor uses the "nx:run-commands"-executor to run the vite build-command to build the application. After a build, it copies over the output to the provided "distPath"-option (which, when using the application-generator, defaults to the dist folder in the root of the monorepo).

Option Required Description
distPath Yes The distPath where all generated output should be copied to.
envFile No Location of an optional env-file that should be used while building.
copyPackageJson No Whether or not the root-package.json should be copied over the distPath.
packageJsonExclusions No A list of (dev) dependency packages you don't need or want in your SvelteKit-package.json (such as "@nx/*")


The serve-executor uses the "nx:run-commands"-executor to run the vite dev-command to serve the application.

Option Required Description
envFile No Location of an optional env-file that should be used while building.


The preview-executor uses the "nx:run-commands"-executor to run the vite preview-command to preview the previously build application. This executor depends on the build target, something that is configured automatically when using the application-generator.

This executor does not have any options (yet).


The test-executor uses the "nx:run-commands"-executor to run the vitest-command to run the unit-tests for the application. By default it will just run the tests once and then finish, but there is an option to run it in watch-mode.

Option Required Description
watch No Starts the unit-tests in watch mode.


The e2e-executor uses the "nx:run-commands"-executor to run the playwright test-command to run the E2E tests. Before running the tests it will always execute a npx playwright install-command, just to make sure everything is in place for the playwright tests.

This executor does not have any options (yet).


The check-executor uses the "nx:run-commands"-executor to run the svelte-check-command, as well as the svelte-kit sync-command. The sync command will update the generated files (such as the types and whatnot) and the check command will provide different diagnostics for your svelte app (not a replacement for the linter!). By default it will just run these commands once and then finish, but there is an option to run the check-command in watch-mode.

Option Required Description
watch No Starts the svelte-check-command in watch mode.

A little bit of black magic:

While most of the generated application is straight out off the create-svelte-package, I did add a little bit of black magic to make things work nicely with NX. It mainly comes down to:

  • Allowing imports from the root of the monorepo, so we can access shared libraries and such.
  • Generating SvelteKit aliases based on the tsconfig.base.json from the root of the monorepo.

The first part is rather easy, when generating the application, I take the project-path we're generating (relative to the root of the monorepo) and convert that to a "projectDepth" constant. This constant basically consists of the number of ../ we have to do to reach the root of the monorepo from the application-folder. Then, while generating the vite.config.ts, we add this "projectDepth" to the server.fs.allow-property, so the vite dev server is allowed to load files from the complete monorepo and not just the application itself.

The second piece of black magic, is a little more magical than the first. Because SvelteKit uses Vite under the hood, we have access to aliases. SvelteKit uses this out-of-the-box for stuff like $lib, but we can extend this to add the compilerOptions.paths from our tsconfig.base.json from the root of the monorepo. This way, you can simply import from @your-repo-scope/your-library in your .ts/.js/.svelte files (in case of the .svelte files there's a known limitation regarding the dependency-graph, see below). We achieve this by requiring the tsconfig file, grabbing the compilerOptions.paths and converting them to aliases with a little help from Object.entries and Array.reduce.

Known limitations:

Sadly, there are a few things that are not quite going the way I would like them to go. I will document these limitations here, but also as issues on the GitHub-issues tab so we have a place to track progress!

The current known limitations are:

  • No library generator: Right now we only support applications, routes and layouts, but the create-svelte package also has a preset for libraries. I want to add this as well, along with options to distinguish between workspace and publishable libraries.
  • .svelte-files in the dep-graph: When you import a workspace-library in a ts or js file inside the SvelteKit application source, it correctly shows up in the dependency-graph. However, when importing one of these libraries in a ".svelte"-file, it is missing. The great folks over at Nrwl have documented how to extend the dependency-graph, but I haven't had the time to add it as of now.
  • A nice NX-starting page as application template option: Both React and Angular get this nice NX getting-started page when you generate a new application. I want to recreate that for the SvelteKit applications, just because it's fun!




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  • dympydev