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0.2.0 • Public • Published

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Creates and setups pre-configured axios clients, using OAuth 2.0 workflow(s)., written in TypeScript.


Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json file is stored:

npm install --save @egomobile/oauth2-client



import { createClientCredentialsClientFactory } from "@egomobile/oauth2-client";

// create a factory function, that creates
// a pre-configured API client that already
// has an access_token, submitted as Bearer by default
export const createApiClient = createClientCredentialsClientFactory({
  // data for client authorization
  auth: {
    clientId: "foo",
    clientSecret: "bar",

  // base URL of the API
  baseURL: "https://api.example.com",
  // URL from where to get the token from
  tokenURL: "https://api.example.com/oauth2/token",

  // optional extra default headers
  headers: {
    "x-baz": "some value for an extra header",

  // optional and additional / custom
  // axios configuration
  config: {
    // this always accept any status code
    // and will now throw errors on HTTP error codes
    validateStatus: (status) => status < 400,

function doApiCall() {
  // create client with the new factory
  // without subitting the credentials
  // every time
  const client = await createClient();

  // now, do some API call with a pre-configured client
  // that submits the access_token as Bearer via
  // Authorization header
  return client.get("/foo?bar=baz"); // [GET] https://api.example.com/foo?bar=baz

const response = await doApiCall();


import { createPasswordClientFactory } from "@egomobile/oauth2-client";

// create a factory function, that creates
// a pre-configured API client that already
// has an access_token, submitted as Bearer by default
export const createApiClient = createPasswordClientFactory({
  // data for client authorization
  auth: {
    clientId: "foo",
    clientSecret: "bar",
    username: "bill",
    password: "G@tes1234!",

  // base URL of the API
  baseURL: "https://api.example.com",
  // URL from where to get the token from
  tokenURL: "https://api.example.com/oauth2/token",

  // optional extra default headers
  headers: {
    "x-baz": "some value for an extra header",

  // optional and additional / custom
  // axios configuration
  config: {
    // this always accept any status code
    // and will now throw errors on HTTP error codes
    validateStatus: (status) => status < 400,

function doApiCall() {
  // create client with the new factory
  // without subitting the credentials
  // every time
  const client = await createClient();

  // now, do some API call with a pre-configured client
  // that submits the access_token as Bearer via
  // Authorization header
  return client.get("/foo?bar=baz"); // [GET] https://api.example.com/foo?bar=baz

const response = await doApiCall();


The API documentation can be found here.

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  • ekmobile
  • egodux
  • mkloubert
  • ekegodigital