Boilerplate node(npm) module library
React Library boilerplate is available in
- NodeJS >= 18.x
pnpm i -g rimraf cross-env serve
- clone the repo
pnpm i
pnpm test
pnpm start
- Add svcjenkins user as collaborator to your git repo with write permissions
- Create new Jenkins webhook in your git repo
Payload URL: https://jenkins.dco.elmae/github-webhook/
Content Type: application/json
Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
Let me select individual events
Select Pull-Request and Push
Click Update Webook
- Create a new jenkins multibranch pipeline as in Library Boilerplate
Now you are all set to publish your library automatically to npm after every PR merge.
Please follow GIT guidelines, otherwise the publishing will happen from all your PR branches in upstream repo.