A Custom Component for Retool that adds natural language capability to filter an array. It uses OpenAI GPT API to convert from natural language to SQL string.
Drag a Custom Component into your canvas in a Retool app.
Put this code into the IFrame Code
area of the Custom Component:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@eloquentops/retool-plugin-ask-your-data"></script>
You can add options in the Model
such this example (values are the default).
dataset: {{ query1.data }},
debug: false, // enable log and console.log for debugging purpose
openai_token: '<YOUR-OPENAI-API-KEY>',
groq_token: '<YOUR-GROQ-API-KEY>', // alternative to OpenAI
question: 'Your question',
config: [ // optional config for specific columns for manual summarization, they can have specific values or just a generic data type
{key: 'mycol', value:'only string values'}
skip:['name'], // optional, properties you don't want to summarize and send to the llm
llm: 'gpt-4-turbo-preview' // optional, default is gpt-4-turbo-preview, you can change it. if you use Groq, the llm is llama3-70b-8192
onError: 'onErrorQuery', // query to trigger on API error, useful to show notifications,
debugConfig: false // set to true to expose "metaConfig" in model, the summarized dataset for the contextualized prompt. If true, no network request are dispatched
Fair question. The component exposes some additional properties in its model:
result: [], // Filtered Array of Object
isFetching: false, // true durin the OpenAI request
metaConfig: '' // only with debugConfig:true, a part of the prompt related to dataset summary
This plugin is released under the 3-Clause BSD license.
Copyright © 2024 EloquentOps, https://eloquentops.com