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2.1.0 • Public • Published


CI Build

A collection of utilities to generate and store lint item metadata.

Those utilities are:

buildPendingLintMessage(lintResult, lintMessage)

Adapts an {ESLint.LintResult} or {TemplateLintResult} to a {PendingLintMessage}


Adapts a list of {ESLint.LintResult} or {TemplateLintResult} to a list of {PendingLintMessage}


Creates, or ensures the creation of, the .lint-pending directory.


Generates a unique filename for a pending lint message.

generatePendingFiles(baseDir, pendingLintMessages, filePath?)

Generates files for pending lint violations. One file is generated for each violation, using a generated hash to identify each.

Given a list of pending lint violations, this function will also delete existing files that no longer have a pending lint violation.

readPendingFiles(baseDir, filePath?)

Reads all pending files in the .lint-pending directory.

getPendingBatches(lintResults, existing)

Gets 3 maps containing pending items to add, remove, or those that are stable (not to be modified).

buildPendingLintMessage(lintResult, lintMessage)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
lintResult ESLint.LintResult The lint result object, either an or an {TemplateLintResult}.
lintMessage A lint message object representing a specific violation for a file.


Kind: global function

Param Type Description
lintResults LintResult A list of objects to convert to {PendingLintMessage} objects.


Creates, or ensures the creation of, the .lint-pending directory.

Kind: global function

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-pending storage directory.


Generates a unique filename for a pending lint message.

Kind: global function

Param Description
pendingLintMessage The linting data for an individual violation.

generatePendingFiles(baseDir, pendingLintMessages, filePath?)

Generates files for pending lint violations. One file is generated for each violation, using a generated hash to identify each.

Given a list of pending lint violations, this function will also delete existing files that no longer have a pending lint violation.

Kind: global function

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-pending storage directory.
pendingLintMessages The linting data for all violations.
filePath? The absolute file path of the file to update violations for.

readPendingFiles(baseDir, filePath?)

Reads all pending files in the .lint-pending directory.

Kind: global function

Param Description
baseDir The base directory that contains the .lint-pending storage directory.
filePath? The absolute file path of the file to return pending items for.

getPendingBatches(lintResults, existing)

Gets 3 maps containing pending items to add, remove, or those that are stable (not to be modified).

Kind: global function

Param Description
lintResults The linting data for all violations.
existing Existing pending lint data.




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npm i @ember-template-lint/pending-utils

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