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0.0.2 • Public • Published


@enstore/fs is a Node.js–style file system interface that seamlessly mounts a remote EnStore server as if it were a local filesystem. It provides APIs similar to Node.js fs—both stream-based (createWriteStream) and promise-based (readFile, writeFile).

It introduces the following classes:

  1. EnstoreFs

    • Offers a createWriteStream method analogous to fs.createWriteStream in Node.js, allowing you to stream file uploads chunk-by-chunk to an EnStore server.
    • Exposes a static property EnstoreFs.promises pointing to an EnstorePromiseFs instance for promise-based operations.
  2. EnstorePromiseFs

    • Provides readFile and writeFile methods that follow Node.js’s promise-based fs.promises API signatures.
    • Use these methods to read or write remote files asynchronously.

Both classes extend a common BaseFs abstract class which handles credential resolution and root directory mapping.


npm install @enstore/fs

Usage Overview

  1. Instantiate an EnstoreFs or EnstorePromiseFs object with configuration for:

    • Root directory (a local path you treat as "/" on the EnStore server)
    • Credentials (endpoint, username, password) either directly, via environment variables, or via a credential file.
  2. Use the familiar fs-like methods:

    • readFile / writeFile (Promise-based in EnstorePromiseFs)
    • createWriteStream (in EnstoreFs) for streaming writes
    • The static property EnstoreFs.promises is a convenience instance for promise-based operations.

Quick Example

import { EnstoreFs } from '@enstore/fs';

// Create an instance pointing "rootDirectory" to /var/logs (on your local system)
const enFs = new EnstoreFs({
  rootDirectory: '/var/logs',
  // credentials can come from environment or credentials file

// 1) Use the static promise-based API
await EnstoreFs.promises.writeFile('/var/logs/nginx/access.log', 'Hello, world\n', 'utf-8');
const content = await EnstoreFs.promises.readFile('/var/logs/nginx/access.log', 'utf-8');
console.log('Remote content:', content);

// 2) Or use createWriteStream for streaming
const writeStream = enFs.createWriteStream('/var/logs/app/streamed.log');
writeStream.write('Some chunk of data\n');
writeStream.write('Another chunk\n');
writeStream.end(() => {
  console.log('Stream upload complete!');

In this example, local file paths like "/var/logs/nginx/access.log" map to remote EnStore paths like "/nginx/access.log".

Configuration and Credential Resolution

BaseFs Constructor Config

interface EnstoreFsConfig {
  endpoint?: string;
  username?: string;
  password?: string;
  credentialsFilePath?: string;
  rootDirectory: string; // required
  1. rootDirectory (required)

    • A local path you consider as root. For instance, "/var/logs" in your code maps to "/" on the EnStore server.
  2. Credentials can be resolved in three steps:

    1. Constructor config: if endpoint, username, password are explicitly provided, these take priority.
    3. Credentials File: A JSON file (by default at ~/.enstore/credentials.json) or a custom path specified by credentialsFilePath.

If any required credential (endpoint, username, password) remains missing after these steps, the constructor throws an error.


EnstoreFs extends BaseFs and provides:

  • createWriteStream(path, [options])
    Returns a Writable Node.js stream that uploads data to EnStore in real time. As you write chunks, they are streamed chunk-by-chunk to the remote server using multipart form-data.

  • Static: EnstoreFs.promises (instance of EnstorePromiseFs)
    A convenient way to access promise-based methods without instantiating EnstorePromiseFs separately.

Streaming Example

const enFs = new EnstoreFs({ rootDirectory: '/data/logs' });

const writeStream = enFs.createWriteStream('/data/logs/giantFile.log');

writeStream.on('uploaded', () => {
  console.log('Upload success');
writeStream.on('error', err => {
  console.error('Upload failed:', err);

// Write data in chunks
writeStream.write('chunk 1...');
writeStream.write('chunk 2...');

Your EnStore server (e.g. Express + Multer) can handle this multipart chunked upload. This approach is memory-efficient for large files.


EnstorePromiseFs extends BaseFs and implements:

  • readFile(path, [options])Promise<Buffer | string>
    Just like fs.promises.readFile, supports an encoding option to return a string.

  • writeFile(path, data, [options])Promise<void>
    Similar to fs.promises.writeFile, supports string or buffer data.


import { EnstorePromiseFs } from '@enstore/fs';

(async function main() {
  const promiseFs = new EnstorePromiseFs({ rootDirectory: '/home/user/files' });

  await promiseFs.writeFile('/home/user/files/note.txt', 'Hello from EnStore!', 'utf-8');
  const content = await promiseFs.readFile('/home/user/files/note.txt', 'utf-8');

Root Directory Mapping

  • If rootDirectory = "/some/local/path", then passing "/some/local/path/foo/bar.txt" to readFile or writeFile automatically translates to "/foo/bar.txt" on the remote server.
  • If you pass a local path outside of rootDirectory, the library throws an error (e.g., Path /home/outside is outside the rootDirectory /some/local/path).

Credentials File

By default, credentials are read from:


A typical credentials.json:

  "endpoint": "http://my-enstore-server:3000",
  "username": "admin",
  "encryptedPassword": "base64encodedString..."

If you prefer a different path, specify credentialsFilePath in the constructor config:

new EnstoreFs({
  rootDirectory: '/mnt', 
  credentialsFilePath: '/path/to/mycreds.json'

Installation & Example

  1. Install:

    npm install @enstore/fs
  2. Create an instance:

    import { EnstoreFs } from '@enstore/fs';
    const enFs = new EnstoreFs({
      rootDirectory: '/mnt/myfiles'
      // endpoint, username, password can come from ENV or credentialsFile
    // Stream upload
    const ws = enFs.createWriteStream('/mnt/myfiles/someLargeFile.bin');
  3. Promise-based:

    await EnstoreFs.promises.writeFile('/mnt/myfiles/report.txt', 'Report data', 'utf-8');
    const content = await EnstoreFs.promises.readFile('/mnt/myfiles/report.txt', 'utf-8');

Limitations & Notes

  • Chunked Streaming: The createWriteStream method uses a multipart approach to chunk data. Ensure your EnStore server supports streaming multipart uploads (e.g. with Multer, Busboy, etc.).
  • Root Directory: Strictly enforces paths under the specified root. Trying to read/write outside will throw an error.
  • File listing / other fs methods (like readdir, stat) are not yet implemented. You can add them following a similar pattern (use /files/ls or /files/stat EnStore endpoints).
  • Large Files: For truly large files, ensure your server and network settings allow streaming without memory constraints. The streaming approach helps avoid loading the entire file in memory at once.
  • Error Handling: The library throws standard JavaScript errors if the EnStore server responds with an error, or if credentials are missing.


PRs are welcome for additional features such as:

  • readdir, stat, unlink, etc.
  • Improved streaming error-handling or partial uploads.
  • Enhanced credential management or token-based authentication.

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