
2.7.7 • Public • Published

RDFJSON library

The RDFJSON library provides an RDF API with support for manipulating RDF graphs and individual statements. Relies on the RDF/JSON representation internally. Provides both utility functionality for manipulating the RDF/JSON expression directly and an object-oriented layer on top of it for simplified interactions.

Getting started

The library is available from npm, i.e.:

npm install @entryscape/rdfjson


yarn add @entryscape/rdfjson

The library works with either commonjs or es-modules environment, i.e.:

const { Graph } = require("@entryscape/rdfjson");


import { Graph } from "@entryscape/rdfjson");

In a browser setting you can either work in an ES module settings and point to the files you need in src or you can load the prebuilt version in dist/rdfjson.js. In the latter case you will have access to a global called rdfjson.

The main entrypoints of the library is Graph.js, namespaces.js and converters.js. In addition the following modules are also provided in the default export:

  • Statement.js
  • Rdfs.js
  • Utils.js
  • print.js

Using the library

To create a simple graph and add statements you do the following (assuming running in a browser setting with the global rdfjson):

var g = new rdfjson.Graph({});
g.addL("http://example.com", "dcterms:title", "A title");
g.add("http://example.com", "dcterms:relation", "http://example.org");

Now, to query the graph we use the find method which can have null in one, two or three places:

var stmts = g.find(null, "dcterms:relation", null);
console.log("Found a relation from " + stmts[0].getSubject() + " to " + stmts[0].getValue());

Please check the documentation in Graph.js and Statement.js or for that matter look at the tests. You can also take a look at the samples in examples folder.


To get the library you can clone it from bitbucket, e.g.:

git clone git@bitbucket.org:metasolutions/rdfjson.git

Second, to allow the tests to run and build the library you need to have nodejs, npm and yarn installed.

Get the dependencies by running yarn.

To build the project you run:

yarn build:all

To make sure everything works as expected you can run the tests:

yarn tests


The library is at this point open source but not open contribution. Please get in contact with us at entryScape.com if you want to help out or have suggestions.

Issues are managed in a public Jira project.




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  • matthiaspalmer
  • hebner
  • giorgos.b
  • ericaugust