
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Most recently tested with Leaflet React-Leaflet 4.0.0. Requires React 18, react-leaflet 4 and Leaflet 1.8-

GoogleMaps layer as React component for Leaflet build on top of React-Leaflet.

The google maps layer is using the plugin from Leaflet. GridLayer. GoogleMutant

Also it uses google-maps, a wrapper for asynchronously download Google Maps API in the browser.


Complete example with react-leaflet

To get started, to be able to run the example you have execute:

npm install
import React from 'react';
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, LayersControl } from 'react-leaflet'
import { GoogleLayer } from '../src'
const { BaseLayer } = LayersControl;
const key = 'your key goes here';
const terrain = 'TERRAIN';
const road = 'ROADMAP';
const satellite = 'SATELLITE';
const hydrid = 'HYBRID';
//// Google's map type. Valid values are 'roadmap', 'satellite' or 'terrain'. 'hybrid' is not really supported.

export default class GoogleExample extends React.Component {

  constructor() {

  render() {
    return (
      <MapContainer center={[42.09618442380296, -71.5045166015625]} zoom={2} zoomControl={true}>
        <LayersControl position='topright'>
          <BaseLayer  name='OpenStreetMap.Mapnik'>
            <TileLayer  url="http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"/>
         <BaseLayer checked name='Google Maps Roads'>
            <GoogleLayer googlekey={key}  maptype={road} />
         <BaseLayer  name='Google Maps Terrain'>
            <GoogleLayer googlekey={key}  maptype={terrain} />
           <BaseLayer  name='Google Maps Satellite'>
            <GoogleLayer googlekey={key}  maptype={satellite} />
            <BaseLayer  name='Google Maps Hydrid'>
            <GoogleLayer googlekey={key}  maptype={hydrid}  libraries={['geometry', 'places']} />
          <BaseLayer  name='Google Maps with Libraries'>
            <GoogleLayer googlekey={key}  maptype={hydrid}  libraries={['geometry', 'places']} />

You can find the following example in the folder example . Run the above code by executing the following scripts in package.json, with the order they are stated underneath:

  1. `example`

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npm i @entur/react-leaflet-google

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