
0.0.1 • Public • Published


A cleanroom ESM reimplementation of object-hash without streams, but source compatible in the browser or server.

  • Hash values of any type.
  • Supports a keys only option for grouping similar objects with different values.


var hash = require('object-hash');

hash({foo: 'bar'}) // => '67b69634f9880a282c14a0f0cb7ba20cf5d677e9'
hash([1, 2, 2.718, 3.14159]) // => '136b9b88375971dff9f1af09d7356e3e04281951'

hash(value, options)

Generate a hash from any object or type. Defaults to sha1 with hex encoding.

  • algorithm hash algo to be used: 'sha1', 'md5', 'passthrough'. default: sha1
    • This supports the algorithms returned by crypto.getHashes(). Note that the default of SHA-1 is not considered secure, and a stronger algorithm should be used if a cryptographical hash is desired.
    • This also supports the passthrough algorith, which will return the information that would otherwise have been hashed.
  • excludeValues {true|false} hash object keys, values ignored. default: false
  • encoding hash encoding, supports 'buffer', 'hex', 'binary', 'base64'. default: hex
  • ignoreUnknown {true|*false} ignore unknown object types. default: false
  • replacer optional function that replaces values before hashing. default: accept all values
  • respectFunctionProperties {true|false} Whether properties on functions are considered when hashing. default: true
  • respectFunctionNames {true|false} consider name property of functions for hashing. default: true
  • respectType {true|false} Whether special type attributes (.prototype, .__proto__, .constructor) are hashed. default: true
  • unorderedArrays {true|false} Sort all arrays before hashing. Note that this affects all collections, i.e. including typed arrays, Sets, Maps, etc. default: false
  • unorderedSets {true|false} Sort Set and Map instances before hashing, i.e. make hash(new Set([1, 2])) == hash(new Set([2, 1])) return true. default: true
  • unorderedObjects {true|false} Sort objects before hashing, i.e. make hash({ x: 1, y: 2 }) === hash({ y: 2, x: 1 }). default: true
  • excludeKeys optional function for excluding specific key(s) from hashing, if true is returned then exclude from hash. default: include all keys


Run the es module tests to test the root modules

npm run import-test

to run the same test inside the browser:

npm run browser-test

to run the same test headless in chrome:

npm run headless-browser-test

to run the same test inside docker:

npm run container-test

Run the commonjs tests against the /dist commonjs source (generated with the build-commonjs target).

npm run require-test


All work is done in the .mjs files and will be transpiled on commit to commonjs and tested.

If the above tests pass, then attempt a commit which will generate .d.ts files alongside the src files and commonjs classes in dist




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  • khrome