WalletConnect 2.0 React SDK Wallet-side for EpicChain
Made by EpicChain Lab's
Install the dependencies on your application
npm i @epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react
yarn add @epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react
Before starting the development, you need to create an account on Wallet Connect website
and then create a new Project
, it's super easy, with just a few fields on the form.
Wrap WalletConnectWalletProvider around your App and declare the options
import { WalletConnectWalletProvider, TOptions } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
const options: TOptions = {
clientOptions: {
projectId: '<your wc project id>', // the ID of your project on Wallet Connect website
relayUrl: 'wss://relay.walletconnect.com', // we are using walletconnect's official relay server
metadata: {
name: 'MyApplicationName', // your application name to be displayed on the wallet
description: 'My Application description', // description to be shown on the wallet
url: 'https://myapplicationdescription.app/', // url to be linked on the wallet
icons: ['https://myapplicationdescription.app/myappicon.png'], // icon to be shown on the wallet
<WalletConnectWalletProvider option={options}>
<App />
From now on, every time you need to use WalletConnect, you can simply use the useWalletConnectWallet
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const context = useWalletConnectWallet()
// do something
When some request arrives, we use an adapter to really do the rpc request and returns the result. So registering the adapter is mandatory for requests flow and follow the adapter interface is also mandatory.
You can extend our abstract adapter or create your own. To extend, use the WalletConnectEpicChainAdapter
class or create your own
that implements the IWalletConnectAdapter
There are two ways to pass your adapter to sdk.
Passing in the sdk constructor.
import { WalletConnectWalletProvider, TOptions } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
const options: TOptions = {
clientOptions: {}, // SignClient options
methods: ['methods', 'to', 'authorize'],
adapter: new YourAdapter(),
<WalletConnectWalletProvider option={options}>
<App />
Or, call the setAdapter function from Context.
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { setAdapter } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
setAdapter(new YourAdapter())
By default, the sdk won't ask authorization for some request methods, you are able to switch what methods it will happens:
import { WalletConnectWalletProvider, TOptions } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
const options: TOptions = {
clientOptions: {}, // SignClient options
methods: ['methods', 'to', 'authorize'],
autoAcceptMethods: ['your', 'auto', 'accept', 'methods'],
<WalletConnectWalletProvider option={options}>
<App />
Start the process of establishing a new connection. It will create a new proposal that needs to be accepted or rejected.
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { connect } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { disconnect, sessions } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
const session = sessions[0]
await disconnect(session)
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { approveProposal, proposals } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
const proposal = proposals[0]
await approveProposal(proposal, {
account: {
address: 'Account address that wants to connect',
chain: 'The key of supported chain to which the account belongs',
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { rejectProposal, proposals } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
const proposal = proposals[0]
await rejectProposal(proposal)
Remembering, you need to register the adapter to this function works
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { approveRequest, requests } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
const request = requests[0]
await approveRequest(request)
import { useWalletConnectWallet } from '@epicchain/wallet-connect-sdk-wallet-react'
export default function MyComponent() {
const { rejectRequest, requests } = useWalletConnectWallet()
async function handleSomething() {
const request = requests[0]
await rejectRequest(request)