This package contains various utility and helper types that can be imported by a TypeScript project.
This package only contains TypeScript types.
npm install @ergodark/types
You can use this library's types in your TypeScript projects like so:
import type { TypeNameHere } from '@ergodark/types'
const variable: TypeNameHere;
import type * as ErgoDark from '@ergodark/types'
const variable: ErgoDark.TypeNameHere;
Type Glossary
This library provides the following types:
- Primitive
- Falsy
- Nullish
- DeepPartial<T>
- AnyKey
- AnyFunction
- AnyConstructor
- AnyClass
- AnyRecord
- Awaited<T>
- HttpStatusCode
Represents all "primitive" types. Specifically: string
, number
, bigint
, symbol
, null
, and undefined
import type { Primitive } from '@ergodark/types'
let primitive: Primitive = "yes";
primitive = 1;
primitive = Symbol('yes');
primitive = null;
primitive = new Date(); // <== TypeScript error
Represents all "falsy" types. Specifically: false
, ''
, 0
, null
, and
import type { Falsy } from '@ergodark/types'
let falsy: Falsy = "";
falsy = 0;
falsy = false;
falsy = null;
falsy = true; // <== TypeScript error
Represents all "nullish" types. Specifically: null
and undefined
import type { Nullish } from '@ergodark/types'
let nullish: Nullish = null;
nullish = undefined;
nullish = true; // <== TypeScript error
TypeScript's Partial utility type but applied recursively to every property and any sub-properties.
import type { DeepPartial } from '@ergodark/types'
type T = { a: string, b: { c: { d: number }}};
let t:T = { a: "enough!", b: { c: { d: 1 }}};
let t_bad:T = { a: "enough?" }; // <== TypeScript error
let t2:Partial<T> = { a: "enough?" };
let t2_bad:Partial<T> = { a: "enough?", b: {}}; // <== TypeScript error
let t3:DeepPartial<T> = { a: "enough?" };
let t3_ok:DeepPartial<T> = { a: "enough?", b: {}};
Represents any possible object key.
import type { AnyKey } from '@ergodark/types'
let key: AnyKey = "key";
key = Symbol('key');
key = true; // <== TypeScript error
Represents any possible function.
import type { AnyFunction } from '@ergodark/types'
let fn: AnyFunction = () => true;
fn = Symbol('key'); // <== TypeScript error
Represents any possible constructor.
import type { AnyConstructor } from '@ergodark/types'
let myConstructor: AnyConstructor = Date;
myConstructor = Symbol('key'); // <== TypeScript error
Represents any possible class.
import type { AnyClass } from '@ergodark/types'
let MyClass: AnyClass = class { bark() { return 'woof!' }};
MyClass = Symbol('key'); // <== TypeScript error
Represents any object with string keys. Alias of Record<string, unknown>
import type { AnyRecord } from '@ergodark/types'
let record: AnyRecord = { a: 1 };
record = Symbol('key'); // <== TypeScript error
Recursively unwrap the return value of a resolved promise.
import type { Awaited } from '@ergodark/types'
const p1 = new Promise<boolean>(resolve => resolve(true));
const p2 = new Promise<typeof p1>(resolve => resolve(p1));
// Type of `p2` is Promise<Promise<boolean>> ...
let result: Awaited<typeof p2>; // <== However, type of `result` is boolean
Represents any valid (and a few invalid) HTTP status code.
import fetch from 'isomorphic-unfetch'
import type { HttpStatusCode } from '@ergodark/types'
const res = await fetch('https://google.com');
const status: HttpStatusCode = res.status;
Issues and pull requests are welcome! In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Please test your code!
Release History
- 1.0.x Initial release