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1.6.1 • Public • Published


A technical error provider.


  1. If you build a transport layer, ...

    ... you can implement the handling of the Technical Errors provided by this package, so that when someone uses your layer, and an error ist thrown, you can handle it correctly.

  2. If you want to use essential-projects-errors, ...

    ... you can just use the Errors provided by this package directly, or write your own non-technical errors that extend these errors.

    Every library that can handle these errors will be able to also correctly handle your extensions of these errors.

  3. Either way...

    ... you just need to install it with:

    npm install --save @essential-projects/errors_ts

    And then import the errors like this:

    // JavaScript-variant
    const ERRORNAME = require('@essential-projects/errors_ts').ERRORNAME`
    // typescript-variant
    import {ERRORNAME1, ERRORNAME2, ERRORNAME3} from '@essential-projects/errors_ts';

    Where ERRORNAME is the name error you want to import.

    All essential-projects-errors have the isEssentialProjectsError-property, so they can be identified as such.


In order to run the test:

npm test


The Errors are mostly based on http-status-codes. Every Error, except for the BaseError directly extends BaseError, and BaseError extends Error

Name Code
Information Errors 1xx
ContinueError 100
SwitchingProtocolsError 101
ProcessingError 102
Redirect Errors 3xx
MultipleChoicesError 300
MovedError 301
FoundError 302
SeeOtherError 303
NotModifiedError 304
UseProxyError 305
TemporaryRedirectError 307
PermanentRedirectError 308
Client Errors 4xx
BadRequestError 400
UnauthorizedError 401
PaymentRequiredError 402
ForbiddenError 403
NotFoundError 404
MethodNotAllowedError 405
NotAcceptableError 406
ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError 407
RequestTimeoutError 408
ConflictError 409
GoneError 410
LengthRequiredError 411
PreconditionFailedError 412
RequestTooLargeError 413
URLTooLongError 414
UnsupportedMediaTypeError 415
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableError 416
ExpectationFailedError 417
ImATeapotError 418
PolicyNotFulfilledError 420
MisdirectredRequestError 421
UnprocessableEntityError 422
LockedError 423
FailedDependencyError 424
UpgradeRequiredError 426
PreconditionRequiredError 428
TooManyRequestsError 429
RequestHeaderTooLargeError 431
UnavaliableForLegalReasonsError 451
Server Errors 5xx
InternalServerError 500
NotImplementedError 501
BadGatewayError 502
ServiceUnavaliableError 503
GatewayTimeoutError 504
VersionNotSupportedError 505
InsufficientStorageError 507
LoopDetectedError 508
BandwithLimitExceededError 509
NetworkAuthenticationRequiredError 511




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npm i @essential-projects/errors_ts

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