
27.0.0 • Public • Published


This package provides scripts for common build tooling for the essex team. The philosophy of these scripts are to provide a recommended configuration while allowing for escape-hatching.


Add the following configuration to your package.json. If you're in a monorepo, this should be defined at the top level:

	"devDependencies": {
		"@essex/scripts": "<latest version>"
	"prettier": "@essex/prettier-config"

The prettier section allows for pretty-quick (used by our build system) and Visual Studio Code to detect the active prettier configuration.

Additional build tooling is wired in via invoking essex. Check out the available scripts and recipes below.


Scripts are invoked via the essex CLI tool. Commands are in the form essex <commmand> <options>.
To view detailed options, run essex <command> --help or essex --help


	"name": "monorepo-root",
	"private": true,
	"scripts": {
		/* orchestrate child packages */
		"clean": "yarn workspaces foreach -piv run clean",
		"build": "yarn workspaces foreach -pivt run build",
		"bundle": "yarn workspaces foreach -piv run bundle",

		/* use @essex/scripts for top-level checks */
		"unit_test": "jest --coverage",

		/* hook for CI builds */
		"ci": "run-s lint build bundle unit_test"
	"name": "library-package",
	"version": "1.0",
	"main": "dist/cjs/index.js",
	"module": "dist/esm/index.js",
	"types": "dist/types/index.d.ts",
	"scripts": {
		"build": "essex build",
		"clean": "essex clean",
		"start": "essex watch"
	"name": "webpack-app",
	"private": true,
	"scripts": {
		"bundle": "webpack",
		"clean": "essex clean build",
		"start": "webpack serve"

Release Process

First, you should define an environment variable in your shell called NPM_AUTH_TOKEN, which has publication permissions into the @essex/ namespace. You can get this by running npm login and then copying the token from ~/.npmrc.

Each PR should generate a change file in .yarn/versions. These are used to calculate semver. When it's time for a release, do the following:

  • Cut a new branch release/<date> or release/vX.Y.Z, where the version aligns with the next release of @essex/scripts.
  • Run yarn release. Internally, this will:
    • Run yarn version apply --all to bump the versions of all affected packages using the semver documents.
      • Run ci
      • Run yarn publish to publish the latest versions of all packages.
  • Commit all changes and push the branch.
  • Create a PR for the release branch.




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  • gaudyb
  • monik.182
  • mcarvajal89
  • daye_souza
  • darthtrevino
  • stopyoukid
  • natoverse
  • ahoak
  • dworthen