![EVVA License](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/869f946270d522c90d438358bf0eccf1f15c76d951658f7775f4d53a2aaa7a19/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f6c6963656e73652d455656415f4c6963656e73652d79656c6c6f772e7376673f636f6c6f723d666365353030266c6f676f3d646174613a696d6167652f7376672b786d6c3b6261736536342c504345744c5342485a57356c636d46305a575167596e6b6753574e765457397662693570627941744c54344b50484e325a7942325a584a7a61573975505349784c6a4569494868746247357a50534a6f644852774f693876643364334c6e637a4c6d39795a7938794d4441774c334e325a79496764326c6b64476739496a59304d434967614756705a326830505349784d4449304969423261575633516d393450534977494441674e6a5177494445774d6a516950676f385a7942705a44306961574e7662573976626931705a323576636d556950676f384c32632b436a78775958526f49475a706247773949694e6d593255314d44416949475139496b30324d6a49754e44497a494455784d5334304e4468734c544d7a4d5334334e4459744e4459304c6a55314d6d67744d6a67344c6a45314e32777a4d6a6b754f444931494451324e4334314e5449744d7a49354c6a67794e5341304e6a59754e6a5930614449334e5334324d544a36496a34384c3342686447672b436a777663335a6e50676f3d)
The EVVA Abrevva Capacitor Plugin is a collection of tools to work with electronical EVVA access components. It allows for scanning and connecting via BLE.
- BLE Scanner for EVVA components
- Localize scanned EVVA components
- Disengage scanned EVVA components
- Read / Write data via BLE
- Capacitor >= 5.0.0
- Java 17+ (Android)
- Android SDK (Android)
- Android 10+ (API level 29) (Android)
- Xcode 15.4 (iOS)
- iOS 15.0+ (iOS)
npm install @evva/abrevva-capacitor
npx cap sync
npm install @evva/abrevva-capacitor@1.0.1
npx cap sync
Initialize and scan for EVVA components
import { AbrevvaBLEClient, BleDevice } from "@evva/abrevva-capacitor";
class ExampleClass {
private devices: BleDevice[];
async startScan(event: any) {
this.devices = [];
await AbrevvaBLEClient.initialize()
await AbrevvaBLEClient.startScan({ timeout: 5_000 }, (device: BleDevice) => {
}, (success: boolean) => {
console.log(`Scan started, success: ${success}`);
}, (success: boolean) => {
console.log(`Scan stopped, success: ${success}`);
Read EVVA component advertisement
Get the EVVA advertisement data from a scanned EVVA component.
const ad = device.advertisementData
const md = ad?.manufacturerData
// ...
There are several properties that can be accessed from the advertisement.
export interface BleDeviceAdvertisementData {
rssi?: number;
isConnectable?: boolean;
manufacturerData?: BleDeviceManufacturerData;
export interface BleDeviceManufacturerData {
companyIdentifier?: string;
version?: number;
componentType?: "handle" | "escutcheon" | "cylinder" | "wallreader" | "emzy" | "iobox" | "unknown";
mainFirmwareVersionMajor?: number;
mainFirmwareVersionMinor?: number;
mainFirmwareVersionPatch?: number;
componentHAL?: string;
batteryStatus?: "battery-full" | "battery-empty";
mainConstructionMode?: boolean;
subConstructionMode?: boolean;
isOnline?: boolean;
officeModeEnabled?: boolean;
twoFactorRequired?: boolean;
officeModeActive?: boolean;
identifier?: string;
subFirmwareVersionMajor?: number;
subFirmwareVersionMinor?: number;
subFirmwareVersionPatch?: number;
subComponentIdentifier?: string;
With the signalize method you can localize scanned EVVA components. On a successful signalization the component will emit a melody indicating its location.
const success = await AbrevvaBLEClient.signalize('deviceId');
Disengage EVVA components
For the component disengage you have to provide access credentials to the EVVA component. Those are generally acquired
in the form of access media metadata from the Xesar software.
const status = await AbrevvaBLEClient.disengage(
There are several access status types upon attempting the component disengage.
export enum DisengageStatusType {
/// Component
Authorized = "AUTHORIZED",
AuthorizedPermanentEngage = "AUTHORIZED_PERMANENT_ENGAGE",
AuthorizedPermanentDisengage = "AUTHORIZED_PERMANENT_DISENGAGE",
AuthorizedBatteryLow = "AUTHORIZED_BATTERY_LOW",
AuthorizedOffline = "AUTHORIZED_OFFLINE",
Unauthorized = "UNAUTHORIZED",
UnauthorizedOffline = "UNAUTHORIZED_OFFLINE",
SignalLocalization = "SIGNAL_LOCALIZATION",
MediumDefectOnline = "MEDIUM_DEFECT_ONLINE",
MediumBlacklisted = "MEDIUM_BLACKLISTED",
Error = "ERROR",
/// Interface
UnableToConnect = "UNABLE_TO_CONNECT",
UnableToSetNotifications = "UNABLE_TO_SET_NOTIFICATIONS",
UnableToReadChallenge = "UNABLE_TO_READ_CHALLENGE",
AccessCipherError = "ACCESS_CIPHER_ERROR",
BleAdapterDisabled = "BLE_ADAPTER_DISABLED",
UnknownDevice = "UNKNOWN_DEVICE",
UnknownStatusCode = "UNKNOWN_STATUS_CODE",
Timeout = "TIMEOUT",
Prop |
Type |
androidNeverForLocation |
boolean |
Prop |
Type |
macFilter |
string |
allowDuplicates |
boolean |
timeout |
number |
Prop |
Type |
remove |
() => Promise<void> |
Prop |
Type |
companyIdentifier |
string |
version |
number |
componentType |
'handle' | 'escutcheon' | 'cylinder' | 'wallreader' | 'emzy' | 'iobox' | 'unknown' |
mainFirmwareVersionMajor |
number |
mainFirmwareVersionMinor |
number |
mainFirmwareVersionPatch |
number |
componentHAL |
string |
batteryStatus |
'battery-full' | 'battery-empty' |
mainConstructionMode |
boolean |
subConstructionMode |
boolean |
isOnline |
boolean |
officeModeEnabled |
boolean |
twoFactorRequired |
boolean |
officeModeActive |
boolean |
identifier |
string |
subFirmwareVersionMajor |
number |
subFirmwareVersionMinor |
number |
subFirmwareVersionPatch |
number |
subComponentIdentifier |
string |
Prop |
Type |
deviceId |
string |
Prop |
Type |
deviceId |
string |
service |
string |
characteristic |
string |
Prop |
Type |
deviceId |
string |
service |
string |
characteristic |
string |
value |
string |
Prop |
Type |
deviceId |
string |
Prop |
Type |
deviceId |
string |
mobileId |
string |
mobileDeviceKey |
string |
mobileGroupId |
string |
mediumAccessData |
string |
isPermanentRelease |
boolean |
Method |
Signature |
encrypt |
(options: { key: string; iv: string; adata: string; pt: string; tagLength: number; }) => Promise<{ cipherText: string; authTag: string; }> |
encryptFile |
(options: { sharedSecret: string; ptPath: string; ctPath: string; }) => Promise<void> |
decrypt |
(options: { key: string; iv: string; adata: string; ct: string; tagLength: number; }) => Promise<{ plainText: string; authOk: boolean; }> |
decryptFile |
(options: { sharedSecret: string; ctPath: string; ptPath: string; }) => Promise<void> |
decryptFileFromURL |
(options: { sharedSecret: string; url: string; ptPath: string; }) => Promise<void> |
generateKeyPair |
() => Promise<{ privateKey: string; publicKey: string; }> |
computeSharedSecret |
(options: { privateKey: string; peerPublicKey: string; }) => Promise<{ sharedSecret: string; }> |
computeED25519PublicKey |
(options: { privateKey: string; }) => Promise<{ publicKey: string; }> |
sign |
(options: { privateKey: string; data: string; }) => Promise<{ signature: string; }> |
verify |
(options: { publicKey: string; data: string; signature: string; }) => Promise<void> |
random |
(options: { numBytes: number; }) => Promise<{ value: string; }> |
derive |
(options: { key: string; salt: string; info: string; length: number; }) => Promise<{ value: string; }> |