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1.0.1 • Public • Published

memcached-encrypted-store 🗄️


A secure and efficient encrypted store of keys and values for memcached.

Welcome to memcached-encrypted-store! This NPM package provides a convenient solution for storing encrypted data in memcached, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your cached information. With memcached-encrypted-store, you can protect your sensitive data while benefiting from the speed and scalability of memcached.

✨ Features

  • ✅ Securely store and retrieve keys and values in memcached
  • ✅ Encryption of data with non-persistent symmetrical keys
  • ✅ Data integrity verification to prevent tampering
  • ✅ Configurable cache settings for optimal performance
  • ✅ Simple and intuitive usage

🚀 Installation

To start using memcached-encrypted-store in your project, simply install it via npm:

npm install @exact-realty/memcached-encrypted-store

📝 Usage

To use memcached-encrypted-store, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules:
import m from '@exact-realty/memcached-encrypted-store';
import Memcached from 'memcached';
  1. Initialize the encrypted memcached instance by providing the required configurations:
const encryptedMemcached = await m({
  cacheMinAge: 1,
  cacheMaxAge: 60,
  cacheDefaultAge: 30,
  cacheClockDriftAdjustment: 1,
  memcached: new Memcached('memcached-server');
  1. Store a value in memcached:
const optionalTtl = 5;
await c('some-key', new Uint8Array([1,2,3]), optionalTtl);
// or altenatively (using the default TTL)
await c('some-key', new Uint8Array([1,2,3]));
// or (using object notation)
// note that fetching immediately after will likely fail, as this is
// an asynchronous operation
c['some-key'] = new Uint8Array([1,2,3]);
  1. Retrieve a value from memcached:
// Warning: may throw
console.log(await c['some-key']);
  1. Delete a value from memcached:
delete c['some-key'];

🤝 Contributing

🎉 We appreciate contributions from the community! If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

📃 License

This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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