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2.10.2 • Public • Published


This package offers a lightweight React application, designed to seamlessly connect with your data sources for data visualization and editing. It empowers developers to customize the UI extensively, including the integration of personalised components and overriding default displays.

The Admin UI is built + packaged with Vite and can be deployed to any static hosting service such as AWS S3, Vercel, Netlify, Azure Blob storage or your own infrastructure. Simply build the files then deploy the resulting HTML to your static hosting.

The Admin UI uses the same Graphweaver API to talk to your backends as your application uses.


Comprehensive documentation and usage examples can be found on our Docs Site. It covers installation instructions, detailed API documentation, and guides to help you get started with Graphweaver.

Graphweaver CLI graphweaver

The Graphweaver Command Line Interface (CLI) tool enables you to set up and manage Graphweaver using commands in your command-line shell. Check the graphweaver npm package here.

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npm i @exogee/graphweaver-admin-ui

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  • exogee-kevin
  • kevinbrown