The core package of Expressive Code, an engine for presenting source code on the web.
Read the Expressive Code docs to learn more about the features provided by Expressive Code.
Using this core package directly is only recommended for advanced use cases.
Unless you're a plugin or integration author, you should probably use a higher-level package like astro-expressive-code
or rehype-expressive-code
instead of this one.
npm install @expressive-code/core
// File: generate-html-core.mjs
import { ExpressiveCodeEngine } from '@expressive-code/core'
import { toHtml } from '@expressive-code/core/hast'
import fs from 'fs'
const ec = new ExpressiveCodeEngine({
plugins: [
// Add your plugins here
// Get base styles that should be included on the page
// (they are independent of the rendered code blocks)
const baseStyles = await ec.getBaseStyles()
const themeStyles = await ec.getThemeStyles()
const jsModules = await ec.getJsModules()
const renderResult = await ec.render({
code: 'console.log("Hello world!")',
language: 'js',
meta: '',
// Output results to the console
blockStyles: renderResult.styles,
htmlContent: toHtml(renderResult.renderedGroupAst),
// Convert the rendered AST to HTML
let htmlContent = toHtml(renderResult.renderedGroupAst)
// Collect styles and add them before the HTML content
const stylesToPrepend = []
const styleContent = `<style> ${[...stylesToPrepend].join('')} </style>`
const jsContent = `<script type="module"> ${[...jsModules].join('')} </script>`
const htmlDocument = `
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
// Output HTML to the console
// Run `node generate-html.mjs` to generate the HTML file
// and open it in the browser
fs.writeFileSync('index.html', htmlDocument)