
2.0.1 • Public • Published


FactSet Entity client library for JavaScript

API Version npm Apache-2 license

Using an entity centric data model, FactSet's Entity API provides access to FactSet's complete security and entity level symbology, comprehensive entity reference data, and all of the necessary relationships and connections to create a foundation that tightly correlates disparate sources of information to a master entity identifier. Use this API to quickly understand the full entity structure and related securities.

Rate limit is set to 10 requests per second.

This TypeScript/JavaScript package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.4.0
  • SDK version: 2.0.1
  • Build package: com.factset.sdk.codegen.FactSetJavascriptClientCodegen


  • Node.js >= 18



npm install @factset/sdk-utils @factset/sdk-factsetentity@2.0.1


yarn add @factset/sdk-utils @factset/sdk-factsetentity@2.0.1


  1. Generate authentication credentials.
  2. Setup Node.js environment
    1. Install and activate Node.js >=18. If you're using nvm:

      nvm install 18
      nvm use 18
    2. (optional) Install yarn.

  3. Install dependencies.
  4. Run the following:

[!IMPORTANT] The parameter variables defined below are just examples and may potentially contain non valid values. Please replace them with valid values.

Example Code

const { ApiClient, EntityReferenceApi } = require('@factset/sdk-factsetentity');
const { ConfidentialClient } = require('@factset/sdk-utils');

const apiClient = ApiClient.instance;

// Examples for each supported authentication method are below,
// choose one that satisfies your use case.

// (Preferred) OAuth 2.0: FactSetOAuth2
// See https://github.com/FactSet/enterprise-sdk#oauth-20
// for information on how to create the app-config.json file
// The confidential client instance should be reused in production environments.
// See https://github.com/FactSet/enterprise-sdk-utils-typescript#authentication
// for more information on using the ConfidentialClient class
apiClient.factsetOauth2Client = new ConfidentialClient('/path/to/app-config.json');

// Basic authentication: FactSetApiKey
// See https://github.com/FactSet/enterprise-sdk#api-key
// for information how to create an API key
// const FactSetApiKey = apiClient.authentications['FactSetApiKey'];
// FactSetApiKey.username = 'USERNAME-SERIAL';
// FactSetApiKey.password = 'API-KEY';

const apiInstance = new EntityReferenceApi();
const ids = ["AAPL-US","0FPWZZ-E","TSLA-US"]; // [String] | The requested Market Identifier. Accepted input identifiers include Ticker-Exchange, Ticker-Regions, CUSIPs, ISINs, SEDOLs, or FactSet Permanent Ids, such as -R, -L, or -E.<p>**Max Ids Limit set to 3000 in a single request**</p>   *<p>Make note, GET Method URL request lines are also limited to a total length of 8192 bytes (8KB). In cases where the service allows for thousands of ids,       which may lead to exceeding this request line limit of 8KB, its       advised for any requests with large request lines to be requested through       the respective \\\"POST\\\" method.</p>* 

// Call api endpoint
  data => {

    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data:');
  error => {

Using a Proxy

To add a HTTP proxy for the API client, you can set the proxyUrl for the ApiClient instance:

const { ApiClient } = require('@factset/sdk-factsetentity');

const apiClient = ApiClient.instance;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.factset.com/content

Class Method HTTP request Description
factsetentity.EntityReferenceApi getEntityReferences GET /factset-entity/v1/entity-references Returns an entity reference profiles for an individual entity
factsetentity.EntityReferenceApi postEntityReferences POST /factset-entity/v1/entity-references Returns an entity reference data for a list of ids.
factsetentity.EntityReferenceChineseApi getEntityReferenceChi GET /factset-entity/v1/entity-reference-chi Returns entity reference data in Chinese for an individual entity.
factsetentity.EntityReferenceChineseApi getEntityReferenceChiForList POST /factset-entity/v1/entity-reference-chi Returns entity reference data in Chinese for an individual entity.
factsetentity.EntitySecuritiesApi getEntitySecurities GET /factset-entity/v1/entity-securities Returns all Equity Exchange Listings and all debt instruments issued for the requested entity.
factsetentity.EntitySecuritiesApi postEntitySecurities POST /factset-entity/v1/entity-securities Returns all Equity Exchange Listings and all debt instruments issued for the requested entity.
factsetentity.EntityStructureApi getEntityStructure GET /factset-entity/v1/entity-structures Returns all active or inactive entities and respective levels below the requested entity id.
factsetentity.EntityStructureApi getUltimateEntityStructure GET /factset-entity/v1/ultimate-entity-structures Returns the full ultimate parent entity hiearachy. Control levels and active status of underlying entities.
factsetentity.EntityStructureApi postEntityStructure POST /factset-entity/v1/entity-structures Returns all active or inactive entities below the requested entity id.
factsetentity.EntityStructureApi postUltimateEntityStructure POST /factset-entity/v1/ultimate-entity-structures Returns all active or inactive entities and respective levels below the requested entity id.
factsetentity.HistoricalCreditParentApi getHistCredParent GET /factset-entity/v1/hist-credit-parent Returns historical credit parents for the requested id(s).
factsetentity.HistoricalCreditParentApi postHistCredParent POST /factset-entity/v1/hist-credit-parent Returns historical credit parents for the requested id(s).

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes: N/A


Please refer to the contributing guide.


Copyright 2022 FactSet Research Systems Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



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