To use this component in your app, pull down this component with
npm install @faslet/react-widget
Example usage with shop id Faslet Demo
import { FasletWidget } from '@faslet/react-widget';
function ExampleProductPage() {
// Get the product variants and colors
const colors = [{ id: 'red', name: 'Magnificent Red'},{ id: 'blue', name: 'Dashing Blue'}];
const variants = [
{variantId: 'variant-1', sizeLabel: 'S', inStock: true, sku: 'sku-1', colorId: 'red', price: 11.99, imageUrl: '' },
{variantId: 'variant-2', sizeLabel: 'S', inStock: true, sku: 'sku-2', colorId: 'blue', price: 11.99, imageUrl: '' },
{variantId: 'variant-3', sizeLabel: 'M', inStock: true, sku: 'sku-3', colorId: 'red', price: 11.99, imageUrl: '' },
{variantId: 'variant-4', sizeLabel: 'M', inStock: false, sku: 'sku-4', colorId: 'blue', price: 11.99, imageUrl: '' },
{variantId: 'variant-5', sizeLabel: 'L', inStock: false, sku: 'sku-5', colorId: 'red', price: 11.99, imageUrl: '' },
{variantId: 'variant-6', sizeLabel: 'L', inStock: false, sku: 'sku-6', colorId: 'blue', price: 11.99, imageUrl: '' }
// Render the widget
return (
shopId="Faslet Demo"
brandId="Faslet Demo Brand"
Example usage with shop id Faslet Demo
import { useFasletOrderTracking } from '@faslet/react-widget';
export function ExampleThankYouPage() {
const productsInOrder = [
productId: 'product-1',
variantId: 'variant-1',
productName: 'Jacket',
variantName: 'Red Jacket/S',
priceTimesQuantity: 100,
quantity: 1,
sku: 'sku-1'
}, {
productId: 'product-1',
variantId: 'variant-2',
productName: 'Jacket',
variantName: 'Blue Jacket/S',
priceTimesQuantity: 200,
quantity: 2,
sku: 'sku-2'
useFasletOrderTracking('Faslet Demo', 'Order-1', 'paid', productsInOrder)
return (<p>Thank you for your order!</p>);
The examples are built with Create-React-App. From the examples folder:
npm install
npm start
And then in your browser, navigate to:
for the Widget example and
for the Order Tracking example. Note that Order tracking only sends events, which you would see in the network tab of your browser's dev-tools.
This project uses npm. First run install before starting development:
npm install