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1.0.3 • Public • Published

Angular RBAC

angular-rbac is a lightweight role/permission based access control library to manage access to routes and components in your angular applications with ease. angular-rbac provides:

  • Access structural directive for DOM control based on roles and permissions.
  • Customized Access Guards for routes protecting

Setting roles and permissions

It is very easy to set roles and permissions to angular-rbac by passing a new value to abilities Subject inside AngularRbacService service. It is an action that you can do after login and after reload from your different sources [http calls, store, localstorage]. Example:

import { Abilities, AngularRbacService } from '@fatehmoh/angular-rbac';
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  rbacService = inject(AngularRbacService);
  currentUserAbilities: Abilities = {
    roles: ['owner', 'admin'],
    permissions: ['create-user', 'delete-user'],
  ngOnInit(): void {

DOM control through canAccess directive

import { CanAccessDirective } from '@fatehmoh/angular-rbac';
  selector: 'moh-planets',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [
  templateUrl: './planets.component.html',
  styleUrl: './planets.component.scss',
export class PlanetsComponent implements OnInit {}


  *canAccess="{ roles: ['admin'], permissions: ['user-delete'] }; other: falseTemplate">
  <div>Protected users list here</div>

<ng-template #falseTemplate>
  <p>You do not have permission!</p>

The directive takes 2 inputs:

  • abilities (Required) of type { roles: string[]; permissions: string[]; }
  • templateRef (optional): to be visible in case of failed permission

Route guards

angular-rbac provide 3 different quards :

  • canActivateAccessGuard for routes activation CanActivate
  • canActivateChildAccessGuard for children activation CanActivateChild
  • canMatchAccessGuard for route loading based on condition CanMatch

angular-rbac guards accept 3 parameters :

  • candidate (required):Partial; to define roles and permissions allowed to access a specific route.
  • redirectUrl (optional):string; to define the redirectUrl when the guard return false, for instance /login or /no-permission
  • skipLocationChange (optional): boolean; In case you want to stay on same route location but still navigate the redirectUrl correspondent component.
import { Routes } from "@angular/router";
import { canActivateChildAccessGuard, canMatchAccessGuard } from "angular-rbac";

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: "planet",
    component: LayoutComponent,
    loadChildren: () => import("./features/planet/planet.routes").then((routes) => routes.PLANET_ROUTES),
    canActivateChild: [canActivateChildAccessGuard({ roles: ["admin"], permissions: ["read-planets", "create-planets"] }, "/auth/login", true)],
    path: "auth",
    loadChildren: () => import("./core/auth/auth.routes").then((routes) => routes.AUTH_ROUTES),
    path: "",
    redirectTo: "/planet/list",
    pathMatch: "full",

💡 Unlike the other guards canMatchAccessGuard accepts only one parameter (candidate) since CanMatch will not load the route at all if the guard returns false;

Example of canMatchAccessGuard

You can define multiple routes with same path and load only one based on the logged in user role

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: "home",
    loadComponent: () => import("./admin.component").then((m) => m.AdminComponent),
    canMatch: [canMatchAccessGuard({ roles: ["admin"] })],
    path: "home",
    loadComponent: () => import("./auditor.component").then((m) => m.AuditorComponent),
    canMatch: [canMatchAccessGuard({ roles: ["auditor"] })],
    path: "home",
    loadComponent: () => import("./visitor.component").then((m) => m.VisitorComponent),
    canMatch: [canMatchAccessGuard({ roles: ["visitor"] })],

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  • fatehmoh