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3.1.0 • Public • Published


Wrapper of yargs and enquirer libs to ask user for input.


npm i @fcostarodrigo/ask


Command line arguments

Create command line arguments. Each command line argument can be passed through the command line, environment variables and .env file. If the argument is missing and required, the user is prompted for it. Arguments are required by default. The options --help and --version are created automatically.

Pass an object describing each command line argument, the returned promise is an object of the same shape with the values extracted.

import { askArgv } from "@fcostarodrigo/ask";

const { password } = await askArgv({
  password: {
    type: "password",

Passing value using the command line.

node src/test.js --password xxx
# no prompt

Passing value using environment variable.

PASSWORD=xxx node src/test.js
# no prompt

Passing value using the .env file.

echo PASSWORD=xxx > .env
node src/test.js
# no prompt

Prompt the user for the missing value.

node src/test.js
# prompt for password

For each command line argument you can also specify:

  • yargsOverrides Override yargs lib configuration.
  • enquirerOverrides Override enquirer lib configuration.
  • defaultValue Default value.
  • options Possible options for strings and array types.
  • required If the value is required or not.

Positional arguments

import { askArgv } from "@fcostarodrigo/ask";

const { username, password } = await askArgv({
  username: { type: "string", position: 0 },
  password: { type: "password", position: 1 },
node src/test.js john xxx

.env location.

You can also pass the location of the .env file as the second parameter.

import { askArgv } from "@fcostarodrigo/ask";

const { username } = await askArgv({ username: { type: "string" } }, { dotEnvConfig: ".dev.env" });
echo USERNAME=john > .dev.env
node src/test.js

User input

You can prompt the user in the middle of your program without defining new command line arguments.

import { ask } from "@fcostarodrigo/ask";

const password = await ask({ name: "password", type: "password" });

Environment variables only

You can use askEnv to get values from environment variables alone. An error will be thrown if the environment variable is required, missing and there is no default value for it. You can pass dotEnvConfig as a field of the object of the second argument. The value will be parsed according to the type. Arrays are split by a single , and booleans are true if they match the string true when converted to lower case.

const { username, password } = askEnv({
  username: { type: "string" },
  password: { type: "password" },
  • required If the value is required or not.
  • defaultValue Default value.
  • options Array of allowed values.

Supported types

Type options yargs enquirer
array no array list
array yes array auto complete
boolean boolean confirm
number number numeral
string no string input
string yes string auto complete
password string invisible




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  • fcostarodrigo