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1.6.0 • Public • Published

Eslint Config Node Esm

This package provides eslint config for the nodejs projects use the esm.

Only support the new Eslint flat config.

Prettier and Linters

  1. Prettier Config: Prettier config for the Front-end projects.
  2. Prettier Config: Prettier config for the Svelte projects.
  3. Eslint Config Base: Eslint config for the Javascript projects.
  4. Eslint Config Typescript: Eslint config for the Typescript projects.
  5. Eslint Config React JS: Eslint config for the React JS projects.
  6. Eslint Config React TS: Eslint config for the React TS projects.
  7. Eslint Config Next JS: Eslint config for the Next JS projects.
  8. Eslint Config Next TS: Eslint config for the Next TS projects.
  9. Eslint Config Lit JS: Eslint config for the Lit JS projects.
  10. Eslint Config Lit TS: Eslint config for the Lit TS projects.
  11. Eslint Config Node ESM: Eslint config for the Node Esm projects.
  12. Eslint Config Svelte JS: Eslint config for the Svelte projects.
  13. Eslint Config Svelte TS: Eslint config for the Svelte TS projects.

and more to come.


1. Install package

pnpm add -D @febase/eslint-config-node-esm eslint

2. Add config to your eslint.config.js. Please read more about Eslint Flat Config.

import { esmConfig } from '@febase/eslint-config-node-esm';

export default [esmConfig];

3. Add script to your package.json.

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint \"src/**/*.{js,ts}\"",
    "lint:fix": "pnpm lint"

Configuration your VScode.

In root your project's folder. Create .vscode folder with structure:

  - settings.json
  "eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true,
  // if mono-repo please remove comment of the below line.
  // "eslint.workingDirectories": [{ "pattern": "./apps/*/" }, { "pattern": "./packages/*/" }],
  "eslint.options": {
    "overrideConfigFile": "eslint.config.js"
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
  "editor.formatOnSave": true

Setup git hooks

  • Install packages and global setup husky, lint-staged.
pnpm add -D husky lint-staged
pnpm dlx husky install
pnpm pkg set scripts.prepare="husky install"
pnpm dlx husky add .husky/pre-commit "pnpm dlx lint-staged"
  • Add the following to your package.json:
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": ["pnpm format", "pnpm lint:fix"],
    "*.{json,css,md,html}": ["pnpm format"]




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npm i @febase/eslint-config-node-esm

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  • thienlinh