
0.0.1-alpha.3 • Public • Published


The css files that make up Declare.css.


  • font-style has acronym fi, since fs is for the more common font-size
  • overflow has acronym of, as opacity uses o
  • position names are just the values (i.e. relative instead of p-r), which frees up p for padding
  • min and max widths and heights are minw/maxw/minh/maxh so they don't collide with m for margin
  • basic text styling has shortcuts i and b for italic and bold (but prefer <strong> and <emphasis> tags for semantics, when appropriate)

CSS tips

  • use semantic HTML tags or apply aria attributes
  • ideally only use .class, [attribute], and :pseudo selectors to keep specificity low
  • don't set a font size on the body (allows the user to set one they like), and all other text should use rem units
  • flex should be your default positioning system, and grid should be used for layouts (adhoc rather than a framework)
  • use margins for fine-tuning layout between elements, and padding for within an element
  • prefer an inline-block with flex's justify-content rather than text-align... it works better with different browsers/language directions
  • if you don't like the default outline, replace it, never just remove it
  • :hover and :focus should nearly always do the same thing (hence the --P for pin), but remember to use :active for things like a button press
  • only use opacity for a fade effect
  • transition/animations should really only use opacity and transform for speed and to not cause re-layouts


  • [ ] generate index.css files depending on inclusions and bundling
  • [x] postcss-replace from a config file
  • [ ] replace increments with more descriptive titles (i.e. timing-1 with timing-xs, media-6 with media-xxl, etc.)?
  • [ ] replace zeros with actual property value (i.e. visibility-0 with visibility-none, etc)?
  • [ ] optional typography override?
  • [ ] optional complement theme?
  • [ ] optional components?
  • [ ] eject option?




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  • alexgagnon