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5.0.1 • Public • Published

Correlation Id

How to use

Create correlation id instance

import {createCorrelationId} from '@vizydrop/correlation-id';
const correlationId = createCorrelationId();

Integrate with @fibery/vizydrop-logger

const {createLogger} = require(`@fibery/vizydrop-logger`);

const logger = createLogger({
    correlationId: {
        enabled: true,
        getCorrelationId: () => correlationId.correlator.getId(),
        emptyValue: `nocorrelation`,

Register middleware. Support koa and express

// koa
// express

Enhance request so each request will contain correlation id http header.

const request = require(`request`);
const correlatedRequest = correlationId.enhanceRequest(request);

Enhance http proxy so each proxied request will contain correlation id http header.

const httpProxy = require(`http-proxy`);
const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({
    target: `http://anotherservice:10020/`,

Run jobs. Jobs usually do not go through express/koa middleware so correlation id should be generated manually.

function jobTask() {}

function runJob() {
    correlationId.correlator.withId(correlator.generateDefaultId(), () => {


Custom settings can be passed as an object to createCorrelationId function.

  • generateDefaultId - function that should return new correlation id. By default crypto.randomUUID is used.

Correlation ID API

  • expressMiddleware - express middleware that runs next middlewares in scope of correlation id async hook
  • koaMiddleware - koa middleware that runs next middlewares in scope of correlation id async hook
  • enhanceHttpRequest - takes request and return new request instance that adds correlation id header by default
  • enhanceHttpProxy - register additional listener that adds correlation id header by default
  • correlator.getId() - returns current correlation id
  • correlator.withId(id, fn) - run function and all subsequent function with specified correlation id
  • correlator.bind() - binds provided function to current execution context. Actually now it's a simple alias to AsyncResource.bind https://nodejs.org/api/async_context.html#integrating-asyncresource-with-eventemitter
  • correlator.generateId() - generates new correlation id

Known issues after 5.0.0

Since bindEmitter method was removed and we don't bind req in express and koa middlewares there might be some edge cases where correlation-id gets lost. According to the https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/33723 it's not recommended to bind whole emitter as execution in different context might be intentional so packages should maintain correct async context on their side. And it was actually fixed in many packages like express.js, body-parser, on-finished, fastify and etc. In most cases where it's still a problem this can be worked around with correlator.bind (see https://nodejs.org/api/async_context.html#integrating-asyncresource-with-eventemitter). Following example shows how to workaround this for dead koa-morgan package:

<!-- WAS -->
    `:method :status :url (:res[content-length] bytes) :response-time ms`,
        stream: {
            write: (text) => logger.info(text.trim()), // no correlation id here, context is lost
        immediate: false,

<!-- Should become -->
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    await morgan(
        `:method :status :url (:res[content-length] bytes) :response-time ms`,
            stream: {
                write: correlator.bind((text) => logger.info(text.trim())), // correlation-id is here as we bound the callback to current async context
            immediate: false,
    )(ctx, next);

Known issues 4.3.0.

  • does not work well with bluebird.promisifyAll. Alternative solution is to explicitly promisify using native promise
const redis = require(`redis`);
const util = require(`util`);

const client = redis.createClient();

client.setAsync = util.promisify(client.set).bind(client);
client.getAsync = util.promisify(client.get).bind(client);
  • does not work well with mongoose callbacks. Alternative solution is to use promisified functions.
const mongoose = require(`mongooose`);
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;

EntityModel.find({name: `name`}).then((value) => {
    // do something

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