Type-safe and efficient data-structures for everyday programming.
In this library you'll find a few of the common data-structures I find myself creating over and over again across my projects. When using this library you'll have access to:
- Stacks
- Queues
- Min Stacks
- Max Stacks
- Min Heaps
- Max Heaps
- Graphs
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Priority Queues
- Tries
- Quick Stack
- Quick Queue
- Binary Search
All of which are documented and type-safe.
npm i @figliolia/data-structures
# or
yarn add @figliolia/data-structures
A generic graph construct for string and number values
import { Graph, NodeCache } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const cache = new NodeCache();
const root = cache.create(1);
const node2 = cache.create(2);
root.DFS(node => console.log(node.value)); // 1, 2, 3, 4
root.BFS(node => console.log(node.value)); // 1, 2, 4, 3
A doubly linked list mimicking the interface of JavaScript arrays
import { LinkedList } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const list = new LinkedList<number>();
for(const item of list) {
console.log(item); // 1, 2, 3
list.pop(); // 3 -> O(1)
list.shift() // 1 -> O(1)
list.push(3) // O(1)
list.unshift(1) // O(1)
A heap that remains sorted descendingly
import { MaxHeap } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const heap = new MaxHeap<number>(value => value);
heap.pop() // 3
const complexDataHeap = new MaxHeap<{ id: number, name: string }>(value => value.id);
complexDataHeap.push({ id: 3, name: "Jeff" });
complexDataHeap.push({ id: 2, name: "Steve" });
complexDataHeap.push({ id: 1, name: "Dave" });
complexDataHeap.pop() // { id: 3, name: "Jeff" }
A heap that remains sorted ascendingly
import { MinHeap } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const heap = new MinHeap<number>(value => value);
heap.pop() // 1
const complexHeap = new MinHeap<{ id: number, name: string }>(
value => value.id // numeric value extractor
complexHeap.push({ id: 1, name: "Jeff" });
complexHeap.push({ id: 2, name: "Steve" });
complexHeap.push({ id: 3, name: "Dave" });
complexHeap.pop() // { id: 1, name: "Jeff" }
A stack maintaining a reference to it's highest weighted item
import { MaxStack } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const stack = new MaxStack<number>(value => value);
stack.push(1); // max = 1
stack.push(2); // max = 2
stack.push(3); // max = 3
stack.max // 3
stack.pop() // max = 2
A stack maintaining a reference to it's lowest weighted item
import { MinStack } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const stack = new MinStack<number>(value => value);
stack.push(3); // min = 3
stack.push(2); // min = 2
stack.push(1); // min = 1
stack.min // 1
stack.pop() // min = 2
A bucket queue that sorts elements based on the priority level specified
import { PriorityQueue } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const queue = new PriorityQueue<number>();
queue.push(1 /* priority */, 3 /* value */);
queue.push(2, 2);
queue.push(3, 1);
queue.length // 3
// queue = [[3], [2], [1]]
while(!queue.isEmpty) {
queue.pop() // 3, 2, 1
A basic queue with enqueue, dequeue and peek methods
import { Queue } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const queue = new Queue<number>();
queue.peek(); // 1
queue.dequeue(); // 1
A basic stack with push, pop and peek methods
import { Stack } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const stack = new Stack<number>();
stack.peek(); // 3
stack.pop(); // 3
A graph-like data structure for optimized search over multiple strings
import { Trie } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const dictionary = new Trie();
dictionary.search("hello"); // true
dictionary.search("help", false); // true
A wrapper around the native JavaScript Map that assigns an auto-incrementing ID to each value added. It provides a stack-like interface with the ability to access and remove items in 0(1) time
import { QuickStack } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const stack = new QuickStack<() => void>();
const ID1 = stack.push(function one() {});
const ID2 = stack.push(function two() {});
stack.pop() // function two() {}
stack.pop() // function one() {}
stack.get(/* ID */) // retrieves an item by ID 0(1)
stack.delete(/* ID */) // deletes an item by ID 0(1)
A wrapper around the native JavaScript Map that assigns an auto-incrementing ID to each value added. It provides a queue-like interface with the ability to access and remove items in 0(1) time
import { QuickQueue } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
const queue = new QuickQueue<() => void>();
const ID1 = queue.enqueue(function one() {});
const ID2 = queue.enqueue(function two() {});
queue.dequeue() // function one() {}
queue.dequeue() // function two() {}
queue.get(/* ID */) // retrieves an item by ID 0(1)
queue.delete(/* ID */) // deletes an item by ID 0(1)
Logarithmic searching for sorted lists
import { binarySearch } from "@figliolia/data-structures";
binarySearch([1, 2, 3, 4], 3) // true
binarySearch([1, 2, 3, 4], 5) // false
{ id: 1, name: "Jeff" },
{ id: 2, name: "Steve" },
{ id: 3, name: "Dave" },
{ id: 4, name: "Alex" },
{ id: 3, name: "Dave" },
item => item.id
) // true