TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.8.1 • Public • Published


fds-menu component is mwc-menu with a different tag to homogenize with FDS library.

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The full document can be found here


npm i @finastra/menu
npm i @finastra/list;
npm i @finastra/button;

import '@finastra/menu';
import '@finastra/button';
import '@finastra/list';

<div style="position: relative;">
    <fds-button id="basicButton" raised label="Open Basic Menu"></fds-button>
    <fds-menu id="basicMenu">
        <fds-list-item disabled><div>four</div></fds-list-item>
        <li divider></li>

  const menu = document.getElementById('basicMenu');
  const button = document.getElementById('basicButton');

  // anchor must share a parent with menu that is `position: relative`
  menu.anchor = button;
  button.addEventListener('click', function() {
    menu.open = !menu.open;



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
absolute absolute boolean false Makes the menu's position absolute which will be relative to whichever ancestor has position:relative. Setting x and y will modify the menu's left and top. Setting anchor will attempt to position the menu to the anchor.
activatable activatable boolean false Proxies to mwc-list's activatable property.
anchor anchor HTMLElement | null null Determines from which element the floating menu should calculate sizing and position offsets. In the default case, both mwc-menu and the anchor should share a parent with position:relative. Changing anchor typically requires absolute or fixed.
corner corner "TOP_LEFT" | "TOP_RIGHT" | "BOTTOM_LEFT" | "BOTTOM_RIGHT" | "TOP_START" | "TOP_END" | "BOTTOM_START" | "BOTTOM_END" "TOP_START" Corner of the anchor from which the menu should position itself.
defaultFocus defaultFocus "NONE" | "LIST_ROOT" | "FIRST_ITEM" | "LAST_ITEM" "LIST_ROOT" Item to focus upon menu open.
fixed fixed boolean false Makes the menu's position fixed which will be relative to the window. Setting x and y will modify the menu's left and top. Setting anchor will attempt to position the menu to the anchor's immediate position before opening.
forceGroupSelection forceGroupSelection boolean false Forces a menu group to have a selected item by preventing deselection of menu items in menu groups via user interaction.
fullwidth fullwidth boolean false Sets surface width to 100%.
index readonly MWCListIndex
innerAriaLabel innerAriaLabel string | null null Proxies to mwc-list's innerAriaLabel property.
innerRole innerRole "menu" | "listbox" "menu" Proxies to mwc-list's innerRole property.
items items ListItemBase[] "[]" Proxies to mwc-list's index property.
mdcRoot MenuSurface Root element for MDC Foundation usage.

Define in your component with the @query decorator
menuCorner menuCorner MenuCorner "START" Horizontal corner of the menu from which the menu should position itself. NOTE: Only horizontal corners are supported.
multi multi boolean false Proxies to mwc-list's multi property.
open open boolean false Whether the menu should open and display.
quick quick boolean false Whether to skip the opening animation.
selected selected ListItemBase | ListItemBase[] | null null Proxies to mwc-list's selected property.
slotElement HTMLSlotElement | null
stayOpenOnBodyClick stayOpenOnBodyClick boolean false Prevents the menu from closing when clicking outside the menu.
styles CSSResult[] ["baseStyle","styles"]
wrapFocus wrapFocus boolean false Proxies to mwc-list's wrapFocus property.
x x number | null null Sets horizontal position when absolute. When given an anchor, sets horizontal position relative to anchor at given corner. Requires y not to be null.
y y number | null null Sets vertical position when absolute. When given an anchor, sets vertical position relative to anchor at given corner. Requires x not to be null.


Method Type
click (): void
close (): void
focusItemAtIndex (index: number): void
getFocusedItemIndex (): number
layout (updateItems?: boolean | undefined): void
select (index: MWCListIndex): void
show (): void


Event Type
action ActionDetail
selected SelectedDetail

CSS Custom Properties

Property Default Description
--fds-menu-item-height "48px" Height of single-line list-items in the menu.
--fds-menu-max-height "calc(100vh - 32px)" Menu max-height.
--fds-menu-max-width "calc(100vw - 32px)" Menu max-width.
--fds-menu-min-width "112px" Menu min-width.
--fds-menu-z-index 8 Z-index of the popup menu surface.

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  • david.bocle
  • ffdcbot
  • ttalbot