Generate CRC-16/XMODEM codes consistently
While a fairly simple task, I was implementing this throughout multiple projects of mine. Now if there's a bug, speed improvement to be had, or simple because typescript's typing system changes, I want to be able to update it in 1 location instead of having to fix it in every individual project.
TL;DR; I'm lazy, and want a single version of the code
This package does only one thing. Usage is really simple:
import { crc16, crc16b } from '@finwo/crc16-xmodem';
// Note the 2 zero bytes at the end, they're useful later
const message = Buffer.from('Hi!\0\0');
// Output 12797 and <Buffer 31 fd>
// Either copy in the check code with buffer manipulation:
const check = crc16b(message);
const checkableMessage = Buffer.concat([message]);
check.copy(checkableMessage, checkableMessage.length - check.length);
// Or, be lazy and just copy the crc over the zeroes directly as an uint16be
message.writeUInt16BE(crc16(message), message.length - 2);
// Now if you want to check if your message has travelled the network without errors:
if (crc16(message) != 0) {
throw new Error('Message got corrupted in transit');