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0.3.3-canary.fce4168 • Public • Published


This is the authentication component for the Firebase JS SDK. It has a peer dependency on the @firebase/app package on NPM. This package is included by default in the firebase wrapper package.

Table of Contents

  1. Developer Setup

Developer Setup


To set up a development environment to build Firebase-auth from source, you must have the following installed:

  • Node.js (>= 6.0.0)
  • npm (should be included with Node.js)
  • Java Runtime Environment

In order to run the tests, you must also have:

  • Python (2.7)

Download the Firebase source and its dependencies with:

git clone https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk.git
cd firebase-js-sdk
yarn install

Building Firebase-auth

To build the library, run:

cd packages/auth
yarn build

This will create output files in the dist/ folder.

Running unit tests.

All unit tests can be run on the command line (via Chrome and Firefox) with:

yarn test

Alternatively, the unit tests can be run manually by running

yarn run serve

Then, all unit tests can be run at: http://localhost:4000/buildtools/all_tests.html You can also run tests individually by accessing each HTML file under generated/tests, for example: http://localhost:4000/generated/tests/test/auth_test.html

Run tests using SauceLabs

You need a SauceLabs account to run tests on SauceLabs.

Go to your SauceLab account, under "My Account", and copy paste the access key. Now export the following variables, in two Terminal windows:

export SAUCE_USERNAME=<your username>
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<the copy pasted access key>

Then, in one Terminal window, start SauceConnect:


Take note of the "Tunnel Identifier" value logged in the terminal, at the top. In the other terminal that has the exported variables, run the tests:

yarn test -- --saucelabs --tunnelIdentifier=<the tunnel identifier>




Package Sidebar


npm i @firebase/auth@0.3.3-canary.fce4168





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  • firebase-ops
  • feiyang.chen
  • google-wombot
  • chholland