Bundle your scripts (bys)
Bys is an npm/yarn library to merge your js and ts files into one file.
Use the npm or yarn package manager to install bys.
# Using npm
npm i @flamesx128/bys -g
# Using yarn
yarn add @flamesx128/bys -g
Bys needs to know what the main file is, by default it will look in the package.json file, but it can be specified by a bys.config.json file or by the "entry" flag.
With the flags you can change how the program will work.
- This flag specifies which is the main file.
- Usage:
$ bys --entry="main.js"
- Required flag.
- This flag specifies the extension that the file created by bys will have.
- If not specified, defaults to ".js".
- Usage:
$ bys --output-extention=".js"
- Optional flag.
- This flag specifies what is the name of the file created by bys.
- If not added, the default name is "bundle".
- Usage:
$ bys --output-filename="bundle.js"
- Optional flag.
- This flag specifies the directory where the file created by bys is saved.
- If not added, the file is placed in the directory where it was called bys.
- Usage:
$ bys --output-path="main.js"
- Optional flag.
Configuration file
You can create a configuration file for bys called bys.config.js
with the following structure:
export interface Config {
// Main file that read.
entry?: string,
output?: {
// File extension to use when creating.
extention?: string,
// Name of the file that will be assigned when it is created.
filename?: string,
// Path of the directory where the file created by bys will be saved
path?: string
// This method is to transpire the code at the end of joining the files.
transpiler?(code: string): Promise<string> | string
// This method is used to transpile the files at the moment they are read.
transpilers?: {
execute?(code: string): Promise<string> | string,
extentions?: RegExp
Configuration file example
// File: bys.config.js
const { join } = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: 'main.js',
output: {
extention: ".js",
filename: 'bundle',
path: join(__dirname, "dist")
transpilers: []
Bys usage example
Here are some examples of using bys with js and ts.
Using JavaScript
// File: bys.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: 'main.js',
output: {
extention: ".js",
filename: 'bundle',
path: join(__dirname, "dist")
// File: sum.js
const sum = (x, y) => x + y;
// @bys-import ./sum.js \\
console.log(sum(2, 2));
// Result after using bys.
// File: dist/bundle.js
const sum = (x, y) => x + y;
console.log(sum(2, 2));
Using TypeScript
// File: bys.config.js
const { transpile } = require('typescript');
const { join } = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: 'main.ts',
output: {
extention: ".js",
filename: 'bundle',
path: join(__dirname, "out")
transpiler: (code) => transpile(code, {
/* Language and Environment */
target: "es2016",
/* Modules */
module: "AMD",
moduleResolution: "node",
/* Emit */
removeComments: true,
/* Interop Constraints */
esModuleInterop: true,
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true,
/* Type Checking */
strict: true,
alwaysStrict: true,
// File: user.ts
class User {
private username: string
public readonly email: string
constructor(username: string, email: string) {
this.username = username,
this.email = email
public hello(): void {
// File: main.ts
// @bys-import user.ts \\
const user = new User("carlos", "carlos@gmail.com");
// Result after using bys.
// File: out/bundle.js
define(["require", "exports"], function (require, exports) {
"use strict";
class User {
constructor(username, email) {
this.username = username,
this.email = email;
hello() {
const user = new User("carlos", "carlos@gmail.com");
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.