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1.3.0 • Public • Published

FLK Support Javascript

FLK support Javascript is a list of functions and methods to robust your application.


This package is a standalone package from Falak JS Framework, so you can use it in your application.

npm install flk-support-javascript

If you're using Falak JS Framework, By default this package is installed automatically so no need to install it.

Important Note

This package will use a Monkey Patch approach to override some existing code like string methods.

List of helpers


A very useful methods to manipulate arrays in Javascript.

Array Chunk

Array.chunk(array: array, size: number): array

Chunks an array into arrays with size elements.


let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

let chunkedNumbers = Array.chunk(numbers, 2); // it will split it to array that contains three elements

// output
    [1, 2],
    [3, 4],
    [4, 6]

Array Clone

Array.clone(array: array): array

Clone the array to new array with same elements.

This is a useful if you want to lose the reference of the array.


// when you assign the array to another variable

let names = ['Hasan', 'Sarah'];

let newNames = names;


console.log(names); // ['Hasan', 'Sarah', 'Hendawy']
console.log(newNames); // ['Hasan', 'Sarah', 'Hendawy']

// using the clone method

let anotherNames = ['John', 'Doe'];

let newAnotherNames = Array.clone(names);


console.log(anotherNames); // ['John', 'Doe']
console.log(newAnotherNames); // ['John', 'Doe', 'Smith']

Array End

Array.end(array: array): any

Get the last element of the array without removing it.


let names = ['Hasan', 'Sarah'];

let lastName = Array.end(names);

console.log(lastName); // Sarah
// names array doesn't lose the last element 
console.log(names); // ['Hasan', 'Sarah']

Array get

Array.get(array: array, callback: Function): any

Get the first matched element of array for the given callback function.

This method is too much like the filter but this returns only one element instead.

If no matching elements, null returned.


let users = [{
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan',
}, {
    id: 5231,
    name: 'Hendawy',
}, {
    id: 691,
    name: 'John',
}, {
    id: 9121,
    name: 'Hasan',

// get the first user that his name is Hasan

let user = Array.get(users, user => user.name == 'Hasam'); // {id: 1, name: 'Hasan'}

Array pushOnce

Array.pushOnce(array: array, value: any): array

Push the given element to array, if and only if the element doesn't exist in the array.


let numbers = [1, 3, 5, 6];

let anotherNumbers = Array.pushOnce(numbers, 2); // [1, 3, 5, 6, 2] Element added
anotherNumbers = Array.pushOnce(anotherNumbers, 1); // [1, 3, 5, 6, 2] Element exists, nothing added

Array random

Array.random(array: array): any

Get random element from the array.


let numbers = [1, 3, 5, 6];

let randomNumber = Array.random(numbers); 

Array remove

Array.remove(array: array, value: any): array

Remove the first matched value from array.


let numbers = [1, 3, 5, 6];

let newNumbers = Array.remove(numbers, 3); // [1, 5, 6]

Array remove all

Array.removeAll(array: array, value: any): array

Remove all matched values from array.


let numbers = [1, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 1, 12];

let newNumbers = Array.removeAll(numbers, 1); // [3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 12]

Array reset

Array.reset(array: array): array

Reset the array for proper indexing.


let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];

delete numbers[1];

// output
0: 1
2: 3
3: 4
length: 4

// output
0: 1
1: 3
2: 4
length: 3


A very useful methods to manipulate arrays in Number.

Number Format

Number.format(): string

Format the number to a money-like format.


let salary = 134512;

let formatedSalary = salary.format(); // 134,512

Number round

Number.round(precision: int): number

Round the number up


let salary = 12341.5121;

let formatedSalary = salary.round(2); // 12340.51


A very useful methods to manipulate arrays in Object.

Object Clone

Object.clone(object: Object): Object

Clone the Object to new Object with same elements.

This is a useful if you want to lose the reference of the Object.


// when you assign the object to another variable

let user = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan'

let adminUser = user;

adminUser.email = 'hassanzohdy@gmail.com';

console.log(user); // {id: 1, name: 'Hasan', email: 'hassanzohdy@gmail.com'}
console.log(adminUser); // {id: 1, name: 'Hasan', email: 'hassanzohdy@gmail.com'}

// using the clone method

let anotherUser = {
    id: 12,
    name: 'John'

let newAnotherUser = Object.clone(anotherUser);

newAnotherUser.email = 'john@doe.com';

console.log(anotherUser); // {id: 12, name: 'John'}
console.log(newAnotherUser); // {id: 12, name: 'John', email: 'john@doe.com'}

Object get

Object.get(object: Object, key: string, defaultValue = null: any): any

Get a value from the given object for the given dot.notation key.

This will be probably your best friend method to work with.

This method differs from the nested object properties that if the nest property doesn't exist, the Javascript Engine won't complain call x of undefined.


let user = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan',
    address: {
        building: {
            number: 12,
            floor: 3,
            apartment: 36

// get the user apartment no.

let apartmentNumber = user.address.building.apartment; // 36

// but what if the user doesn't have an `address` property?
let anotherUser = {
    id: 321,
    name: 'Hendawy',

let hendawyApartmentNumber = anotherUser.address.building.apartment; // Error: call building property of undefined.

// now let's try our method 
let newHendawyApartmentNumber = Object.get(anotherUser, 'address.building.apartment'); // null returned as the building property doesn't exist on the address, but no errors are triggered.

// we can also return a default value if the `dot.notation` property doesn't exist

let newHendawyApartmentNumberWithDefaultValue = Object.get(anotherUser, 'address.building.apartment', 120); // 120

// back to the first user
// if the property exists, it will work as well.
let userAddressUsingGetMethod = Object.get(user, 'address.building.apartment'); // 36

This method can deep dive to unlimited number of nested objects, so you're ready to go with it.

Object key

Object.key(object: Object, value: any): any

Get the key of the value from the given object.


let user = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan'

let key = Object.key(user, 'Hasan'); // name
let anotherKey = Object.key(user, 1); //id
// if the value doesn't exist in the object, a null is returned instead.
let nullKey = Object.key(user, 'hassanzohdy@gmail.com'); // null

Object match

Object.match(...objects: Object): boolean

Check if the passed objects are matched.


let objectA = {
    name: 'A',
    key: 'Group',

let objectB = {
    name: 'B',
    key: 'Group'

let isMatchedObjects = Object.match(objectA, objectB); // false

let objectC = {
    name: 'A',
    key: 'Group',

let isMatchedObjectsSecondTime = Object.match(objectA, objectC); // true

Object set

Object.set(object: Object, key: string, value: any): object

Set a value in the given object for the given dot.notation key.

It works exactly the same as Object.get but in setting instead of getting keys.


let user = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan',

Object.set(user, 'status', 'Active');

console.log(user); // {id: 1, name: 'Hasan', status: 'Active'}

Object.set(user, 'address.building.number', 12);

console.log(user); // output
    id: 1, 
    name: 'Hasan', 
    status: 'Active', 
    address: {
        building: {
            number: 12

Object size

Object.size(object: Object): number

Get the size of the object, total properties inside it.

This method calculates only the first level of properties not all nested properties.


let user = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan',

let objectSize = Object.size(user); // 2

Object sort

Object.sort(object: Object): object

Sort the given object keys Alphabetically and return the new sorted object.


let user = {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Hasan',
    address: 'Some Address', 

let sortedObject = Object.sort(user); // {address: 'Some Address', id: 1, name: 'Hasan'}


A very useful methods to manipulate arrays in regex.

Regex escape

RegExp.escape(string: string): string

Escape any character that should be escaped if the string is passed to new RegExp statement.


let searchKeywords = 'hello+world';

let string = 'hello+world';

// the normal way.
echo(string.match(new RegExp(`^${searchKeywords}$`))); // null

// using the escape method.
echo(string.match(new RegExp(`^${RegExp.escape(searchKeywords)}$`))); // ["hello+world", index: 0, input: "hello+world", groups: undefined]


A very useful methods to manipulate arrays in String.

All of the string methods are implementing Monkey Patch.

String capitalize

String.prototype.capitalize(): string

Capitalize each word in the string.


let greeting = 'hello world';

console.log(greeting.capitalize()); // Hello World

String format

String.prototype.format(): string

Format the string if it contains only integers or floats to a money format.


let salary = '25332';

console.log(salary.format()); // 25,332

String ltrim

String.prototype.ltrim(needle: string = ' '): string

Remove from the beginning of the string the given needle


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.ltrim('H')); // asan

// removes the spaces from the beginning of the string if no needle passed to the method.
let stringWithSpace = ' ok'; // length >> 3
console.log(stringWithSpace.ltrim()); // length >> 2

String readMoreChars

String.prototype.readMoreChars(length: string, readMoreDots = '...': string): string

Cut string for the given length and append ... if string is larger than the given length


let tip = 'Do you know that implementing some existing libraries/plugins with yourself will improve your problem solving skills?';

let cutTip = tip.readMoreChars(10); 

console.log(cutTip); // Do you kno....

String removeFirst

String.prototype.removeFirst(needle: string): string

Remove the first matched string to the given needle from current string.


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.removeFirst('a')); // Hsan

String removeLast

String.prototype.removeLast(needle: string): string

Remove the last matched string to the given needle from current string.


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.removeLast('a')); // Hasn

String repeatsOf

String.prototype.repeatsOf(needle: string, caseSensitive = true: boolean): string

Count the occurrence of the given needle


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.repeatsOf('a')); // 2
console.log(name.repeatsOf('H')); // 1
console.log(name.repeatsOf('h')); // 0 case sensitive
console.log(name.repeatsOf('h', false)); // 1 case insensitive

String replaceAll

String.prototype.replaceAll(searchText: string|regex): string

Replace all the matched string for the given search text.


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.replaceAll('a', 'o')); // Hoson

String replaceFirst

String.prototype.replaceAll(searchText: string|regex): string

Replace the first matched string for the given search text.


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.replaceFirst('a', 'o')); // Hosan

String replaceLast

String.prototype.replaceLast(searchText: string|regex): string

Replace the last matched string for the given search text.


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.replaceLast('a', 'o')); // Hason

String rtrim

String.prototype.rtrim(needle: string = ' '): string

Remove from the end of the string the given needle


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.rtrim('n')); // Hasa

// removes the spaces from the end of the string if no needle passed to the method.
let stringWithSpace = 'ok '; // length >> 3
console.log(stringWithSpace.rtrim()); // length >> 2

String sprintf

String.prototype.rtrim(...replacements: any[]'): string

Returns a string produced according to the formatting string

This is a very useful method if you're dealing with translations.


let requiredValidation = '%s is required'; 

console.log(requiredValidation.sprintf('Password')); // Password is required

Current supported formats are for strings and integers.

For example if we want to change a number instead of a string:

let totalItems = '%d items in total'; 

console.log(totalItems.sprintf(12)); // 12 items in total

You can mix and add as much as you want with strings and integers.

let lengthValidation = '%s should be between %d and %d'; 

console.log(lengthValidation.sprintf('Password', 8, 12)); // Password should be between 8 and 12

String toCamelCase

String.prototype.toCamelCase(): string

Convert a string to a camel case string.


// with spaces
console.log('hello world'.toCamelCase()); // helloWorld
// with dashes
console.log('hello-world'.toCamelCase()); // helloWorld
// with underscores
console.log('hello_world'.toCamelCase()); // helloWorld
// if first letter is capitalized, it will be converted to lower case
console.log('Hello_world'.toCamelCase()); // helloWorld

String toInputName

String.prototype.toInputName(): string

Convert a dot notation string to a proper formatted input name.

This will save you from the too many brackets when you deal with


let EnglishDescriptionName = 'description.en';
let ArabicDescriptionName = 'description.ar';

console.log(EnglishDescriptionName.toInputName()) ; // description[en]
console.log(ArabicDescriptionName.toInputName()) ; // description[ar]

// a more deeper input names
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    let attributeNameEnglish = `attributes.${i}.name.en`;
    console.log(attributeNameEnglish.toInputName()); // attributes[0][name][en]

    let attributeNameArabic = `attributes.${i}.name.ar`;
    console.log(attributeNameArabic.toInputName()); // attributes[0][name][ar]

String toSnakeCase

String.prototype.toSnakeCase(lowerAll = true: boolean): string

Convert a string to a snake case string.

By default, if any camelCase string is detected, it will be converted to snake_case, if you want to convert it to snake_Case to keep the capital letters as it is, pass false to the method to keep it as original.


// with spaces
console.log('hello world'.toSnakeCase()); // hello_world
// with dashes
console.log('hello-world'.toSnakeCase()); // hello_world
// with camelCases
console.log('helloWorld'.toSnakeCase()); // hello_world
// with camelCase but keep capital letters as it is
console.log('helloWorld'.toSnakeCase(false)); // hello_World

String toStudlyCase

String.prototype.toStudlyCase(): string

Convert a string to a StudlyCase string.


// with spaces
console.log('hello world'.toStudlyCase()); // HelloWorld
// with dashes
console.log('hello-world'.toStudlyCase()); // HelloWorld
// with snake case
console.log('hello_world'.toStudlyCase()); // HelloWorld
// with camel case
console.log('helloWorld'.toStudlyCase()); // HelloWorld

String trim

String.prototype.trim(needle: string = ' '): string

Remove from the beginning and the end of the string the given needle.


let name = 'Hasan';

console.log(name.trim('H')); // asan

let route = '/home/';

console.log(route.trim('/')); // home

// trimming whitespaces

let text = '  hello world  '; // two spaces at the beginning and the end with length: 15 
console.log(text.trim()); // length: 11 

String ucfirst

String.prototype.ucfirst(): string

Capitalize only the first word in the string.


let greeting = 'hello world';

console.log(greeting.ucfirst()); // Hello world

String vsprintf

String.prototype.rtrim(replacements: array'): string

Returns a string produced according to the formatting string

Works exactly like String.sprintf but instead it accepts an array of replacements.


let lengthValidation = '%s should be between %d and %d'; 

console.log(lengthValidation.vsprintf(['Password', 8, 12])); // Password should be between 8 and 12




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  • hassanzohdy