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0.1.9 • Public • Published


The @fnet/npm-package-extract is a utility tool designed to facilitate the extraction of npm packages for various purposes. Specifically, this tool fetches a named npm package with a specified version and extracts its contents to a local directory. The operation includes fetching package metadata, downloading the package, extracting it, and optionally installing its dependencies.

Main Functionalities

1. Extracts NPM Packages: This is the primary operation of this utility, which retrieves an npm package by fetching it from the official npm registry (https://registry.npmjs.org). Based on the user's input, the package is downloaded as a *.tgz file, which it then systematically unpacks to a specified location.

2. Handles Versioning: This utility supports semver ranges for npm packages. The user can specify a version—or a version range—or use the latest version if no specific version is indicated.

3. Option to Install Dependencies: Dependency management within the downloaded package is a notable aspect of this tool. It provides an option to auto-install the package dependencies after extraction using the popular command npm install, all happening within the downloaded package directory.

4. Post-Extraction Operations: This tool can also perform some post-extraction tasks like deleting the *.tgz file after extraction (if opted by the user) and renaming the package directory to the package name combined with the version number.


Upon successful completion, this tool returns an object containing useful information such as the extraction path, the package's name, and version number. This helps users to keep track of which package was extracted, its version, and where it was placed.

In sum, the main purpose of @fnet/npm-package-extract is to conveniently handle the extraction of npm packages into a local directory, while also managing versions and handling dependencies as needed. As such, it's a handy tool for developers working extensively with npm packages.




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  • gboyraz