
0.1.3 • Public • Published


rollup-plugin-nunjucks is a custom plugin designed for Rollup, a modern module bundler for JavaScript. The primary purpose of this plugin is to facilitate the transformation of Nunjucks templates into static files during the build process, making it a seamless part of your bundling workflow.

Main Purpose

The primary goal of rollup-plugin-nunjucks is to:

  1. Compile Nunjucks Templates: It processes .njk files (Nunjucks templates) by rendering them into full-fledged HTML (or other output formats) before bundling them into the final build.
  2. Filename Management: After rendering the template, it removes the .njk file extension from the output files, ensuring that the resultant files integrate smoothly into the build pipeline without retaining the template suffix.

Key Functionalities

Template Rendering

At its core, the plugin renders Nunjucks templates using given context data:

  • Include/Exclude Patterns: You can specify which files to include or exclude from processing using patterns.
  • Nunjucks Options: Custom configuration settings can be passed to control the Nunjucks environment.
  • Template Context: Data required to render templates can be passed as context, enabling dynamic content generation within your templates.

Transform and Integration

rollup-plugin-nunjucks operates in the following manner during the build process:

  1. File Filtering: It uses pattern matching to filter which files should be processed.
  2. Rendering: Each matched file is rendered with the specified context data.
  3. Filename Adjustments: The plugin intelligently removes the .njk extension from filenames, producing cleaner and more consistent output file names.
  4. Source Maps: For debugging purposes, it generates high-resolution source maps, mapping the transformed code back to the original template.

Error Handling

The plugin also includes robust error handling, ensuring that any issues during the template compilation are caught and reported, preventing obscure build failures.

Rollup Compatibility

Finally, the plugin works smoothly with Rollup's internal systems:

  • Module Side Effects: It marks the transformed modules as having no side effects, optimizing the build process.
  • ID Resolution: It modifies file IDs to reflect the extension removal, ensuring that modules link correctly throughout the build pipeline.


By using rollup-plugin-nunjucks, you streamline the integration of Nunjucks templates into modern JavaScript builds




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  • gboyraz