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0.7.56 • Public • Published


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The Voice module is a library for creating voice applications using the Fonoster API. It provides a simple way to create voice applications that can interact with the calling party using DTMF or speech recognition combined with simple verbs.


$ npm install --save @fonoster/voice


A Voice Application is a server that controls a call's flow. A Voice Application can use any combination of the following verbs:

  • Answer - Accepts an incoming call
  • Dial - Passes the call to an Agent or a Number at the PSTN
  • Hangup - Closes the call
  • Play - Takes a URL or file and streams the sound back to the calling party
  • Say - Takes a text, synthesizes the text into audio, and streams back the result
  • Gather - Waits for DTMF or speech events and returns back the result
  • SGather - Returns a stream for future DTMF and speech results
  • Stream - Starts a stream to read and write audio into the call
  • Record - It records the voice of the calling party and saves the audio on the Storage sub-system
  • Mute - It tells the channel to stop sending media, effectively muting the channel
  • Unmute - It tells the channel to allow media flow

Voice Application Example:

const VoiceServer = require("@fonoster/voice").default;
const { 
} = require("@fonoster/voice");

new VoiceServer().listen(async (req: VoiceRequest, voice: VoiceResponse) => {
  const { ingressNumber, sessionRef, appRef } = req;

  await voice.answer();

  await voice.say("Hi there! What's your name?");

  const { speech: name } = await res.gather({
    source: GatherSource.SPEECH

  await voice.say("Nice to meet you " + name + "!");

  await voice.say("Please enter your 4 digit pin.");

  const { digits } = await voice.gather({
    maxDigits: 4,
    finishOnKey: "#"

  await voice.say("Your pin is " + digits);

  await voice.hangup();

// Your app will live at tcp:// 
// and you can easily publish it to the Internet with:
// ngrok tcp 50061

VoiceResponse ⇐ Verb

Use the VoiceResponse object, to construct advance Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications.

Kind: global class
Extends: Verb
See: module:core:APIClient

new VoiceResponse(request, voice)

Constructs a new VoiceResponse object.

Param Type Description
request VoiceRequest Options to indicate the objects endpoint
voice VoiceSessionStream The voice session stream


import { VoiceServer } from "@fonoster/voice";

async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  await response.play("https://soundsserver:9000/sounds/hello-world.wav");

new VoiceServer().listen(handler, { port: 3000 })


Answer the call. Before running any other verb you must run the anwer command.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse

async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();


Hangup the call.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse

async function handler (request, response) {
 await response.hangup();

voiceResponse.play(url, options)

Play an audio in the call.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
See: Playback

Param Type Description
url string The URL of the media to play
options PlayOptions Options to control the playback
options.playbackRef string Playback identifier to use in Playback operations


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  await response.play("https://soundsserver:9000/sounds/hello-world.wav");


Play a series of DTMF digits in a call.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse

Param Type Description
digits string The DTMF digits to play (0-9, #, or *)


async function handler (request, response) {
 await response.answer();
 await response.playDtmf("1234");

voiceResponse.playbackControl(playbackRef, action)

Control the playback of the currently playing media.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
See: play

Param Type Description
playbackRef string The playback identifier
action PlaybackControlAction The action to perform (STOP, RESTART, PAUSE, UNPAUSE, FORWARD)


async function handler (request, response) {
   await response.answer();
   await response.play("https://s3.fonoster.io/uuid/hello-world.wav", { playbackRef: "playback-01" });

   // Pause the media
   await response.playbackControl("playback-01", PlaybackControlAction.PAUSE);


Waits for data entry from the user's keypad or from a speech provider.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
Note: When including SPEECH the default timeout is 10000 (10s).

Param Type Description
options GatherOptions Options to select the maximum number of digits, final character, and timeout
options.maxDigits number Maximum number of digits to collect. Defaults to 1
options.timeout number Milliseconds to wait before timeout. Defaults to 4000. Use zero for no timeout.
options.finishOnKey string Optional last character to wait for. Defaults to '#'. It will not be included in the returned digits
options.source GatherSource Where to listen as input source. This option accepts DTMF and SPEECH. A speech provider must be configure when including the SPEECH source. You might inclue both with SPEECH_AND_DTMF. Defaults to SPEECH_AND_DTMF


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  const speech = await response.gather({ source: GatherSource.SPEECH, numDigits: 3 });
  console.log("speech: " + speech);
  await response.hangup();

voiceResponse.say(text, options)

Send a text for a TTS engine to convert to speech.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
See: Say

Param Type Description
text string The text to convert to speech
options SayOptions Options to control the TTS engine
options.playbackRef string Playback identifier to use in Playback operations
options.ttsOptions TTSOptions Options to control the TTS engine (specific to the TTS engine)


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  const playbackRef = await response.say("Hello World");

  // Like the play verb, you can control the playback
  await response.playbackControl(playbackRef, PlaybackControlAction.STOP);

voiceResponse.record(options) ⇒ RecordResponse

Record the audio of the call.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
Returns: RecordResponse - The record response

Param Type Description
options RecordOptions Options to control the record operation
options.maxDuration number The maximum duration of the recording in seconds. Default is 60
options.maxSilence number The maximum duration of silence in seconds. Default is 5
options.beep boolean Play a beep before recording. Default is true
options.finishOnKey string Stop recording when a DTMF digit is received. Default is '#'


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  const record = await response.record();
  console.log("Recording: %s", record.name);

voiceResponse.dial(destination, options) ⇒ Promise.<DialStatusStream>

Dials a destination and returns a stream of status.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
Returns: Promise.<DialStatusStream> - The dial status stream

Param Type Description
destination string The destination to dial
options DialOptions Options to control the dial operation
options.timeout number The timeout in seconds. Default is 60
options.recordDirection RecordDirection The direction to record the call (IN, OUT, BOTH). Default is BOTH

voiceResponse.stream(options) ⇒ Promise.<Stream>

Starts a bidirectional audio stream between the call and the application.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
Returns: Promise.<Stream> - The stream object

Param Type Description
options StreamOptions Options to control the stream operation
options.direction StreamDirection The direction to stream the audio (IN, OUT, BOTH). Default is BOTH
options.format StreamAudioFormat The audio format to stream (WAV). Default is WAV


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();

  const stream = await response.stream({
    direction: StreamDirection.BOTH

  stream.onPayload((payload) => {
    // Use the payload

  // Or write to the stream
  // stream.write({ type: StreamMessageType.AUDIO_OUT, payload: "\x00\x01\x02" });

voiceResponse.sgather(options) ⇒ Promise.<StreamGatherStream>

Starts a server-side stream gather operation which sends transcription data to the voice server.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
Returns: Promise.<StreamGatherStream> - The stream gather object
See: Gather

Param Type Description
options StreamGatherOptions Options to control the stream gather operation
options.source StreamGatherSource The source to gather data from (DTMF, SPEECH, SPEECH_AND_DTMF). Default is SPEECH


async function handler (request, response) {
 await response.answer();
 const sGather = await response.streamGather({ source: StreamGatherSource.SPEECH });
 sGather.onPayload((payload) => {
   console.log("Payload: %s", payload);


Mutes a call.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
See: unmute

Param Type Description
options MuteOptions Options to control the mute operation
options.direction MuteDirection The direction to mute the channel (IN, OUT, BOTH). Default is BOTH


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  await response.mute();       // Will mute both directions


Unmutes a call.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse
See: mute

Param Type Description
options MuteOptions Options to control the unmute operation
options.direction MuteDirection The direction to unmute the call (IN, OUT, BOTH). Default is BOTH


async function handler (request, response) {
  await response.answer();
  await response.unmute();     // Will unmute both directions

voiceResponse.on(event, listener)

Register a listener for the given event.

Kind: instance method of VoiceResponse

Param Type Description
event StreamEvent The event to listen for
listener function The callback function


async function handler (request, response) {

 response.on(StreamEvent.END, () => {
  console.log("Call ended");




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