Internally at Forest Admin, we use it to test our agents.
This library provides a set of utilities for testing agents with any Agent stack (NodeJS, Ruby, Python, PHP).
It is in alpha version and is subject to breaking changes. For the moment, it only provides an incomplete set of utilities for integration and unit testing, but it will be extended in the future.
npm install @forestadmin-experimental/agent-nodejs-testing
or for Yarn users
yarn add @forestadmin-experimental/agent-nodejs-testing
Integration testing ensures that your agent works as expected. It's a good way to test your agent customizations.
const { createForestServerSandbox, createForestAgentClient, ForestServerSandbox } = require('@forestadmin-experimental/agent-nodejs-testing');
describe('billing collection', () => {
let serverSandbox: ForestServerSandbox;
const agentPort = 3310;
const serverSandboxPort = 3311;
beforeAll(async () => {
// Start the server sandbox here or elsewhere
serverSandbox = await createForestServerSandbox(serverSandboxPort);
// DON'T FORGET TO SET THE SERVER URL when you starting your agent to reach the server sandbox.
// The server URL is the URL of the server sandbox
// Agent port is the port of the agent when you start it (it can be any port)
// If you don't use a NodeJs agent, you can use the createForestAgentClient function to call the agent
// You must manage the agent lifecycle yourself in this case
afterAll(async () => {
await serverSandbox?.stop();
it('should return all the records of the billing collection', async () => {
// create records in the database
// ... or whatever you need to do before calling the agent
const clientAgent = await createForestAgentClient({
agentForestEnvSecret: 'ceba742f5bc73946b34da192816a4d7177b3233fee4769955c29c0e90fd584f2',
agentForestAuthSecret: 'aeba742f5bc73946b34da192816a4d717723233fee7769955c29c0e90fd584f2',
agentUrl: `${agentPort}`,
serverUrl: `${serverSandboxPort}`,
agentSchemaPath: 'schema-path/.forestadmin-schema.json',
// call the billing collection from the agent to get the records
const billings = await clientAgent.collection('billing').list();
// check the result
For Node.js agents, you can simplify tests by creating a testable agent directly without the server sandbox.
const { createTestableAgent } = require('@forestadmin-experimental/agent-nodejs-testing');
// customizations to apply to your agent
export function addAgentCustomizations(agent) {
// setup and start a testable agent
export async function setupAndStartTestableAgent() {
// if you have a database, or a server to start, do it here
// ...
// create a testable agent with the customizations
const testableAgent = await createTestableAgent(addAgentCustomizations);
// start the testable agent
await testableAgent.start();
return testableAgent;
Test example:
describe('billing collection', () => {
let testableAgent;
beforeAll(async () => {
testableAgent = await setupAndStartTestableAgent();
afterAll(async () => {
await testableAgent?.stop();
it('should return all the records of the billing collection', async () => {
// create records in the database
// ...
// call the billing collection from the agent to get the records
const billings = await testableAgent.collection('billing').list();
// check the result
Please check the example folder for more examples.
The library provides a way to test an agent with a server sandbox. The server sandbox is a fake server that simulates the behavior of the ForestAdmin server. It allows you to test your agent without having to interact with the real server.