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0.4.7 • Public • Published

Signal Form Banner

form-react-version form-react-bundle

The React bindings for form management with Preact Signals.


  • TypeScript - Written in TypeScript with full type support for optimal DX.
  • Reactivity - Reactivity without abstractions thanks to Preact Signals.
  • Validation - Built-in validation support, including adapters for validation schema libraries.
  • Transformations - Transform values for the specific needs of your input fields.
  • Field Groups - Group fields together to manage parts of a form independently.
  • Async Data - Easily manage async initialisation, validation and submission.
  • Arrays + Dynamic Objects - Utilize arrays and dynamic objects within your forms.
  • React - React bindings for easy integration with React.
  • Dev Tools - Offers a dev tools component to debug your forms.


npm install @formsignals/form-react

If you have not installed signals, you will need to install it as well:

npm install @preact/signals-react

If you are having trouble installing the Preact Signals, please consult their documentation.


Create a new form instance:

const form = useForm({
  defaultValues: {
    name: '',
    email: '',

Then create a field component and configure it:

<form.FieldProvider name="name" validate={(value) => {
  if (!value) {
    return 'Name is required';
  {(field) => (
    <InputSignal signal={field.data} label="Name" />

Note that the InputSignal component takes a signal prop, which is the signal from the field. Internally, the component then subscribes to the changes. Due to limitations of signals, it is not possible to directly subscribe to the signal within the child arrow function.

You can also access the field context from children of the FieldProvider:

const field = useFieldContext();



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  • formsignals