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1.0.3 • Public • Published


@formzk/mui was created to bridge the gap between headless form management and Material-UI's rich component library. While @formzk/core provides the foundation for flexible form logic, developers often need to invest additional effort to integrate UI components. @formzk/mui addresses this by offering a set of ready-to-use, pre-configured Material-UI components that work seamlessly with the core architecture. This reduces the overhead of setting up forms and ensures that developers can leverage the full potential of Material-UI with the powerful form handling capabilities of @formzk/core

Table of contents


yarn add @formzk/core @formzk/mui react-hook-form lodash @mui/material
# or
npm install @formzk/core @formzk/mui react-hook-form lodash @mui/material

# install yup validation (optional)
yarn add yup @hookform/resolvers
# or
npm install yup @hookform/resolvers

Getting Started

@formzk/mui allows developer to seamlessly utilize both the native components from @formzk/core package and providing a robust toolkit for creating and managing forms with Material-UI's component library

To begin using @formzk/mui, ensure that you have @formzk/core set up in your project. If you need guidance on the initial setup, please refer to the @formzk/core documentation

Accessing Components

Native Components

With @formzk/mui package, you can still access the native components provided by @formzk/core without importing the core package separately. Just use the Formzk.Native namespace to access these components:

Namespace Reference
Formzk.Native.Provider Checkout
Formzk.Native.Form Checkout
Formzk.Native.Input Checkout
Formzk.Native.Submit Checkout
Formzk.Native.Reset Checkout
Formzk.Native.Errors Checkout

Material-UI Components

To access the enhanced Material-UI components, use the Formzk.MUI namespace:

Namespace Reference
Formzk.MUI.Provider Checkout
Formzk.MUI.Form Checkout
Formzk.MUI.Item Checkout
Formzk.MUI.Submit Checkout
Formzk.MUI.Reset Checkout
Formzk.MUI.Errors Checkout

Using Formzk.MUI.Form

Formzk.MUI.Form works similarly to Formzk.Native.Form or Formzk.Form (from @formzk/core) but includes additional functionality for layout rendering. It allows developer to define the form layout using a config prop that accepts a multi-dimensional array. Each sub-array represents a row, and each object within a sub-array represents a column

Please refer the example below

import { Formzk } from '@formzk/mui';
import { yupResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/yup';
import * as yup from 'yup';
import { Button } from '@mui/material';

type InputPayload = {
  email: string;
  password: string;

const schema = yup.object().shape({
  email: yup.string().required('Email is required').email('Invalid email address'),
  password: yup.string().required('Password is required').min(8, 'Minimum length is 8 characters'),

    resolver: yupResolver(schema),
    defaultValues: {
      email: 'xxxx@xyz.com',
      password: '',
  onSubmit={(values) => {
    console.log('Submit values: ', values);
        name: 'email',
        label: 'Email Address',
        component: 'TextField',
        disabled: false,
        props: {
          required: true,
          placeholder: 'Email Address',
        name: 'password',
        label: 'Password',
        component: 'TextField',
        disabled: false,
        props: { type: 'password', placeholder: 'Password' },
        // render custom view by node
        content: <Box>Render custom view</Box>,
        // render custom views with function
        content: () => <Box>Render custom view with render function</Box>,
  // custom button
    render={(e, { formState: { isSubmitting } }) => {
      return (
        <Button disabled={isSubmitting} type="submit">
  <Formzk.Native.Reset render={(e) => <Button onClick={e}>Reset</Button>} />
  // mui button
  <Formzk.MUI.Submit text="Login" />
  <Formzk.MUI.Reset text="Clear" />

To customize the width of columns, please use the configLayoutProps property or layoutProps property on config item

    containerProps: { spacing: 1 }, // to adjust grid spacing (by default is 2)
    itemProps: {
      // <-- this will apply for all rows column (can be override by config item)
      sm: 4,
      md: 4,
        name: 'email',
        label: 'Email Address',
        component: 'TextField',
        labelType: 'InputLabel',
        disabled: false,
        props: {
          required: true,
          placeholder: 'Email Address',
        layoutProps: {
          // <-- this will override `configLayoutProps`
          sm: 4,
          md: 4,
        name: 'password',
        label: 'Password',
        component: 'TextField',
        labelType: 'InputLabel',
        disabled: false,
        props: { placeholder: 'Password' },
        layoutProps: {
          // <-- this
          sm: 8,
          md: 8,

In this example, the email input field occupies 4 columns in both small (sm) and medium (md) screen sizes, while the password input field occupies 8 columns in the same screen sizes

Custom Layout

If you prefer to create your own layout without using the config props, you can structure your form in the traditional manner. Here’s an example:

import { Formzk } from '@formzk/mui';
import { yupResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/yup';
import * as yup from 'yup';
import { Button } from '@mui/material';
import { useRef } from 'react';

const schema = yup.object().shape({
  email: yup.string().email().required(),
  password: yup.string().required(),

    resolver: yupResolver(schema),
    defaultValues: {
      email: 'xxx@gmail.com',
      password: '',
      rememberMe: false,
  onSubmit={(values) => {
    console.log('Submit values: ', JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
    label="Email Address"
    labelType: 'InputLabel',
      required: true,
      placeholder: 'Email Address',

    labelType: 'InputLabel',
      type: 'password',
      placeholder: 'Password',

  <Formzk.MUI.Item name="rememberMe" valueKey="checked" component="Checkbox" label="Remember me?" />

  <Formzk.MUI.Reset text="Clear" />
  <Formzk.MUI.Submit text="Login" />

In this example, the form components are arranged manually without relying on configuration properties. This approach allows you to freely design the form layout as per your requirements

Available Components

While developers can create their own input components, @formzk/mui comes with several built-in components designed to integrate seamlessly with the package. These components are tailored to provide a smooth and efficient form-building experience

Input Components

The following input components are included and optimized for use with @formzk/mui

  • Checkbox: A standard checkbox input. (documentation)
  • CheckboxGroup: A group of checkboxes for selecting multiple options (documentation)
  • RadioGroup: A group of radio buttons for selecting one option from multiple choices (documentation)
  • Switch: A toggle switch input for binary choices (documentation)
  • Select: A single selection dropdown from multiple options (documentation)

These components are designed to work effortlessly with @formzk/mui, ensuring consistency and ease of use. In the future, more input components will be added to expand the library's capabilities.

To consume the component, can register components at the entry point of your application (e.g: app.tsx) or any other preferred location

import { Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, CheckboxGroupProps, CheckboxProps, Formzk, RadioGroup, RadioGroupProps, Select, SelectProps, Switch, SwitchProps } from '@formzk/mui';
import OutlinedInput, { OutlinedInputProps } from '@mui/material/OutlinedInput';

      name: 'TextField',
      component: OutlinedInput,
      props: {
        fullWidth: true,
      } as OutlinedInputProps,
      name: 'Checkbox',
      component: Checkbox,
      props: {} as CheckboxProps,
      name: 'Switch',
      component: Switch,
      props: {} as SwitchProps,
      name: 'RadioGroup',
      component: RadioGroup,
      props: {} as RadioGroupProps,
      name: 'CheckboxGroup',
      component: CheckboxGroup,
      props: {} as CheckboxGroupProps,
      name: 'Select',
      component: Select,
      props: {} as SelectProps,
  {/* ... your component */}

For module Augmentation

import { ComponentPropsMap as LibraryComponentPropsMap } from '@formzk/core';
import { CheckboxGroupProps, CheckboxProps, RadioGroupProps, SelectProps, SwitchProps } from '@formzk/mui';
import { OutlinedInputProps } from '@mui/material/OutlinedInput';

declare module '@formzk/core' {
  export interface ComponentPropsMap extends LibraryComponentPropsMap {
    TextField: OutlinedInputProps;
    Checkbox: CheckboxProps;
    Switch: SwitchProps;
    RadioGroup: RadioGroupProps;
    CheckboxGroup: CheckboxGroupProps;
    Select: SelectProps;

Other Components

In addition to input components, the package includes components focused on view rendering

  • GridRenderView: A component for rendering views in a grid layout. (documentation)

    import { GridRenderView } from '@formzk/mui';
          { children: '1-1', xs: 12, sm: 'auto', md: 6 },
          { children: '1-2' },
          { children: '1-3' },
          { children: '1-4' },
        [{ children: '2-1' }, { children: '2-2' }],
        [{ children: '3-1' }, { children: '3-2' }],
          items: [
            { children: '1-1' },
            { children: '1-2' },
            { children: '1-3' },
        { items: [{ children: '2-1' }, { children: '2-2' }] },
        { items: [{ children: '3-1' }, { children: '3-2' }] },
  • StackRenderView: A component for rendering views in a stack layout. (documentation)

    import { StackRenderView } from '@formzk/mui';
    import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
          key: 'button-one',
          content: () => {
            return <Button>Button One</Button>;
          key: 'button-two',
          content: () => {
            return <Button>Button Two</Button>;

These view rendering components help structure and organize your form layouts effectively, providing flexibility in design.


Below are some code snippets demonstrating how to utilize the registered input components within the package for quick integration and efficient usage.

  1. With Formzk.MUI.Item
// usage of `RadioGroup` component
  label="Single Selection"
    options: [
      { label: 'One', value: 1 },
      { label: 'Two', value: 2 },
      { label: 'Three', value: 3 },
      { label: 'Four', value: 4 },

// usage of `CheckboxGroup` component
  label="Multi options"
    options: [
      { label: 'One', value: 1 },
      { label: 'Two', value: 2 },
      { label: 'Three', value: 3 },
      { label: 'Four', value: 4 },

// usage of `Switch` component
  label="Enable Something"

// usage of `Checkbox` component
  label="Remember me?"
  caption="Please check if you wants"

// usage of `Select` component
  label="Select Example"
    options: [
      { label: 'One', value: '1', disabled: true },
      { label: 'Two', value: '2' },
      { label: 'Three', value: '3' },
      { label: 'Four', value: '4' },
      { label: 'One-str', value: '1-str' },
      { label: 'Two-str', value: '2-str' },
      { label: 'Three-str', value: '3-str' },
      { label: 'Four-str', value: '4-str' },
  1. With Formzk.MUI.Form component config props
    // first row
      // usage of `CheckboxGroup` component
        label: 'Multi Selection',
        name: 'multiSelection',
        component: 'CheckboxGroup',
        props: {
          options: [
            { label: 'One', value: 1 },
            { label: 'Two', value: 2 },
            { label: 'Three', value: 3 },
            { label: 'Four', value: 4 },
      // usage of `RadioGroup` component
        label: 'Single Options',
        name: 'selection',
        component: 'RadioGroup',
        props: {
          options: [
            { label: 'One', value: 1 },
            { label: 'Two', value: 2 },
            { label: 'Three', value: 3 },
            { label: 'Four', value: 4 },
    // second row
      // usage of `Switch` component
        name: 'enabled',
        label: 'Enable Action',
        component: 'Switch',
        valueKey: 'checked',
        layout: 'contained',
      // usage of `Checkbox` component
        name: 'checked',
        component: 'Switch',
        valueKey: 'checked',
        label: 'Checkbox to check',
        layout: 'contained',
      // usage of `Select` component
        label: 'Select Example',
        name: 'select',
        component: 'Select',
        props: {
          options: [
            { label: 'One', value: '1' },
            { label: 'Two', value: '2' },
            { label: 'Three', value: '3' },
            { label: 'Four', value: '4' },
            { label: 'One-str', value: '1-str' },
            { label: 'Two-str', value: '2-str' },
            { label: 'Three-str', value: '3-str' },
            { label: 'Four-str', value: '4-str' },

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  • louiskhenghao