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0.1.3 • Public • Published

FramJet Cell

A powerful and flexible state management library for JavaScript and TypeScript applications, providing a reactive and composable way to manage state using cells and a robust store implementation. Heavily inspired by the jotai library and its concept of atoms, @framjet/cell takes a different approach by leveraging classes to implement cells. It is specifically designed to be used in FramJet projects, offering seamless integration and enhanced state management capabilities.


You can install @framjet/cell using your preferred package manager:


npm install @framjet/cell


yarn add @framjet/cell


pnpm add @framjet/cell


Creating Cells

@framjet/cell provides a cell function to create different types of cells:

import { cell } from '@framjet/cell';

// Create a primitive cell with an initial value
const countCell = cell(0);

// Create a read-only derived cell
const doubleCountCell = cell((get) => get(countCell) * 2);

// Create a writable derived cell
const incrementCell = cell(
  (get) => get(countCell),
  (get, set) => set(countCell, get(countCell) + 1)

Using the Store

The DDomStateCellStore class provides a store implementation to manage and interact with cells:

import { DDomStateCellStore } from '@framjet/cell';

const store = new DDomStateCellStore();

// Read a cell value
const count = store.readCell(countCell);

// Write to a cell
store.writeCell(countCell, 5);

// Subscribe to a cell
const unsubscribe = store.subscribeCell(countCell, () => {
  console.log('Count changed:', store.readCell(countCell));

Available Cell Types

@framjet/cell provides the following cell types:

  • PrimitiveCell: Represents a cell with a primitive value.
  • CalculatedCell: Represents a read-only derived cell.
  • CalculatedWritableCell: Represents a writable derived cell.
  • EffectCell: Represents a cell that performs side effects.
  • LazyCell: Represents a lazily evaluated cell.

Simple Application Usage

Here's a simple example of using @framjet/cell in an application:

import { cell, DDomStateCellStore } from '@framjet/cell';

// Create cells
const countCell = cell(0);
const doubleCountCell = cell((get) => get(countCell) * 2);
const incrementCell = cell(
  (get) => get(countCell),
  (get, set) => set(countCell, get(countCell) + 1)

// Create a store
const store = new DDomStateCellStore();

// Subscribe to cells
store.subscribeCell(doubleCountCell, () => {
  console.log('Double count:', store.readCell(doubleCountCell));

// Increment the count
// Output: Double count: 2

// Output: Double count: 4

This example demonstrates how to create cells, use a store to manage them, and interact with the cells by reading values, writing values, and subscribing to changes.

For more advanced usage and detailed API documentation, please refer to the library's documentation.


Contributions to @framjet/cell are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the project's repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.




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