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1.2.0 • Public • Published

Frontitude Developer CLI

The Developer CLI enables you to integrate your codebase with Frontitude to create a true single source for your UX content, from design to development.

Developers can use this tool to effortlessly pull the latest strings from your Frontitude workspace into the codebase.

It works seamlessly with any i18n framework that supports the i18next standard, facilitating quick and easy integration with your existing code.


  • Enabled Developer CLI integration in your workspace settings
  • Access token from your Frontitude workspace
  • Installed Node.js >= 18 (For Node.js 14 LTS through 17, use CLI version 1.0.24)


You can install the Frontitude CLI globally via NPM or Yarn:

npm install -g @frontitude/cli
# or
yarn global add @frontitude/cli

Or locally:

npm install --save-dev @frontitude/cli
# or
yarn add --dev @frontitude/cli
💡 After installation, you can run the Frontitude CLI using the `frontitude` command, or using the `fttd` alias.


Please refer to the Frontitude Developer Docs for detailed information on how to use the CLI and other developer tools.

Example repositories

  • Frontitodo - A demo todo app, demonstrating string management with Frontitude's developer tools and how to integrate the CLI output with React-i18next. Follow the installation steps to see it in action, from design to development.

Contact us

We'd love to hear from you! For any feedback or support, contact us at support@frontitude.com.

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  • frontitude