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15.0.0 • Public • Published

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A library of extended spoiler blocks for Marked.js.

@fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler is an extension for Marked.js that adds support for extended spoiler blocks, allowing the creation of hidden content that appears on hover. It supports any markdown rendering (only if the marked instance is passed as an argument) and can be customized to fit your needs. In contrary case, it will have some limitations while rendering the content.

Table of contents



To add @fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler along with Marked.js to your package.json use the following commands.

npm install @fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler marked@^15.0.0 --save

Using Extended Spoiler

Import @fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler and apply it to your Marked instance as shown below.

spoiler is the alias for the extended spoiler block.

import { marked } from 'marked'
import markedExtendedSpoiler from '@fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler'

// or UMD script
// <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/marked/lib/marked.umd.js"></script>
// <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler/lib/index.umd.js"></script>

// marked.use(markedExtendedSpoiler({}, marked)) // If you want to use a custom Marked instance)

const exampleMarkdown = `
\`\`\` spoiler title="Hover on text"
This is a hidden code block that will only appear on hover. Some text later it will be all over again and again, so be sure that it will work


// Output:
// <div id="spoiler-1rsxmc9" class="spoiler-container">
//         <div class="spoiler-content" style="opacity: 0;">
//         <p>This is a hidden code block that will only appear on hover. Some text later it will be all over again and again, so be sure that it will work</p>
// </div>
// <div class="spoiler-overlay" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: white; font-weight: bold; pointer-events: none;">
//     <span>Hover on text</span>
// </div>
// <!-- Particles effect container -->
// <div class="spoiler-particles">
//     <div class="particle"></div>
// </div>

Read the Marked.js documentation for more details about its usage.


The marked-spoiler extension accepts the following configuration options:

  • prefixId: The prefix ID for spoiler block. Defaults to 'spoiler-'.
  • title: The title of the spoiler block. Defaults to ''.
  • animationDuration (default: 2s): The duration of the spoiler animation in seconds.
  • customizeToken: A function that allows you to customize the token object. Defaults to null.
  • template: The template for the spoiler block. Defaults to the default template.
  • marked: The Marked instance to extend rendering for the spoiler block. Example: You can render the spoiler block with a custom extension like @fsegurai/marked-extended-tables.

Available Extensions

Demo Application

To see all themes in action, check out the demo: https://fsegurai.github.io/marked-extensions.

To set up the demo locally:

git clone https://github.com/fsegurai/marked-extensions.git
npm install
npm start

This will serve the application locally at http://[::1]:8000.


Licensed under MIT.

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npm i @fsegurai/marked-extended-spoiler

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  • fsegurai