
11.0.14 • Public • Published


Shades is a UI Library for FuryStack with that uses type-safe JSX component, unidirectional data binding and the same DI/IOC, logging and utility libraries as the FuryStack Backend Services.


You can check the @furystack/boilerplate repository for a working example.

A Shade (component)

A shade (component) can be constructed from the following properties:

  • ts render:(options: RenderOptions)=>JSX.Element - A required method that will be executed on each and every render.
  • initialState - A default state that can be updated during the component lifecycle
  • shadowDomName can be specified - that will be the custom element's name in the DOM
  • ts constructed: (options: RenderOptions)=>void is an optional callback that will be executed after component construction. It can return a cleanup method (e.g. free up resources, dispose value observers, etc...)
  • ts onAttach: (options: RenderOptions)=>void is executed when the component is attached to the DOM
  • ts onDetach: (options: RenderOptions)=>void is executed when the component is detached from the DOM

Render options

The lifecycle methods will get the following options from a parameter:

  • props - The current readonly props object for the element. As props are passed from the parent, it is read only
  • getState() - method that will return the current state. State object is also read only and immutable and can be updated with a corresponding method only.
  • updateState(newState: TState, skipRender?: boolean) - Updates (patches) the component state. An optional flag can indicate that this state change shouldn't trigger a re-render (e.g. form input fields change, etc...)
  • injector - An injector instance. It can be retrieved from the closest parent or can be specified on the state or props
  • children - The children element(s) of the component
  • element - A reference to the current component's custom element (root)
  • logger - A specified logger instance with a pre-defined scope

Bundled goodies

The @furystack/shades package contains a router component, a router-link component, a location-service and a lazy-load component.

Core concepts

  • Shade is close to the DOM and the natives. You are encouraged to use native browser methods while you can
  • You can use small independent services for state tracking with the injector
  • Use observable values. Subscribe in the constructed() method and dispose them on the callback that it returns.
  • You can use resources (valueobservers) that will be disposed automatically when your component will be removed from DOM.
  • Re-render can be skipped on state update. E.g. Why should you break a whole form with a re-render? Why should you update a complete grid if only on item's one field has been changed?
  • Nothing is true, everything is permitted 🗡

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  • gallayl