TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.8.117 • Public • Published

@Gapi OrbitDb decentralized database Module (Beta)

More information about OrbitDb can be found here OrbitDb
For questions/issues you can write ticket here
This module is intended to be used with GAPI

Installation and basic examples:

To install this Gapi module, run:
$ npm install @gapi/orbitdb --save

Beta Decentralized module using @rxdi infrastructure

To install @orbitdb from ipfs network install globally @rxdi/core npm i @rxdi/core

Check it inside ipfs network: QmWxi1tiVRJfVCTkFD9upaeQoPgG4NzbagxyA1RQCt3X3P

$ rxdi i QmWxi1tiVRJfVCTkFD9upaeQoPgG4NzbagxyA1RQCt3X3P


  • Decentralized module includes property packages: [] if it depends on some "centralized" source
  • rxdi install will trigger npm install after finish if there are any packages: [] inside array so you don't have to install
  • In this case we will install @gapi/ipfs@1.2.55 and orbit-db@0.19.8 since it is the working version nothing less nothing more! ;)
  • Later @gapi/ipfs will be also decentralized module and will be added as a dependency like @rxdi/core
    "name": "@gapi/orbitdb",
    "typings": "QmVXzhhjQCoNZJLwYWwtxLYtAC1x1No8yrZcE9d3unaXnQ",
    "module": "QmUEqSRJvn44ThooeizVT8Tp7moW188hX4sBDgV3hN2khc",
    "dependencies": [
    "packages": [
            "name": "orbit-db",
            "version": "0.19.8"
            "name": "@gapi/ipfs",
            "version": "1.4.7"

Consuming @gapi/orbitdb

Important: if you install from decentralized source via rxdi i command you don't need to install @gapi/ipfs module!

To work everything as expected we need to install @gapi/ipfs module because OrbitDB is working with ipfs protocol to install it type:
npm i @gapi/ipfs
Important part is that Ipfs module should be resolved before OrbitDb module to work properly
Then import your module above OrbitDbModule the following way:
Import inside AppModule or CoreModule
import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { IpfsModule } from '@gapi/ipfs';
import { OrbitDbModule } from '@gapi/orbitdb';

    imports: [
            start: true,
            config: {
                Addresses: {
                    API: '/ip4/',
                    Announce: [],
                    Gateway: '/ip4/',
                    NoAnnounce: [],
                    Swarm: [
            logging: true,
export class CoreModule { }
Interact with orbitdb

note: keep in mind that this is beta testing and contribution is appreciated ! :)

import { Inject, Service } from '@rxdi/core';
import { IPFS_NODE_READY } from '@gapi/ipfs';
import { OrbitDb } from '@gapi/orbitdb';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

export class User {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    email: string;

export class OrbitService {
        @Inject(OrbitDb) private orbitdb: OrbitDb,
    ) {}

    async orbitTest() {
        const db = await this.orbitdb.log<User>('hello');
        await db.load();

        // Listen for updates from peers
        db.events.on('replicated', (address) => {
            console.log(db.iterator({ limit: -1 }).collect());

        // Add an entry

        const hash = await db.add({ id: 1, name: 'Kristiyan Tachev', email: 'kristiqn.tachev@gmail.com' });

        // Query
        const result = db.iterator({ limit: -1 }).collect();

        console.log(result[result.length - 1].payload.value.id);
        // 1

        console.log(result[result.length - 1].payload.value.name);
        // Kristiyan Tachev

        console.log(result[result.length - 1].payload.value.email);
        // kristiqn.tachev@gmail.com
        return await Promise.resolve();


Or you can do more if you inject database as a Service

import { Module } from '@rxdi/core';
import { IpfsModule } from '@gapi/ipfs';
import { OrbitDbModule } from '@gapi/orbitdb';
import { OrbitDb } from '@gapi/orbitdb';

interface User {
    id: string;

    imports: [
            start: true,
            config: {
                Addresses: {
                    API: '/ip4/',
                    Announce: [],
                    Gateway: '/ip4/',
                    NoAnnounce: [],
                    Swarm: [
            logging: true,
    services: [
            provide: 'hello',
            deps: [OrbitDb],
            useFactory: async (orbitdb: OrbitDb) => await (await orbitdb.log<User>('hello')).load()
export class CoreModule { }

Then inject database inside whole application the following way:

import { Service, Inject } from '@rxdi/core';
import { OrbitDb } from '@gapi/orbitdb';

interface User {
    id: string;

export class OrbitService {
        @Inject('hello') private helloDB: OrbitLogDatabaseInstance<User>,
    ) {}


TODO: Better documentation...

Enjoy ! :)



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  • gapi