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Google Tag Manager module for Geins PWA Storefront

Add google tag manager to your Geins PWA Storefront. A wrapper around the nuxt-gtm module.


  • Geins Account and PWA Storefront Ralph. Get a free trial here
  • Storefront with @ralph/ralph-ui 19.4.0 or higher.


1. Install the module

npm i @geins/ralph-module-gtm

2. Add the module to your Geins PWA Storefront Ralph

Add the module to your Geins PWA Storefront Ralph by adding the following lines to your nuxt.config.json file:

// nuxt.config.js

module.exports = {
  modules: [
      // Configuration defaults for the module
        // Set to true to enable debug mode
        debug: false,
        // Set to false to disable the module
        enabled: true,
        // Settings for the GTM module, see https://github.com/nuxt-community/gtm-module for more information
        gtm: {},
        // What to use as the item_id for the product, for example 'productId' or 'articleNumber'
        itemId: 'productId',
        // If you want to override some properties of the product, you can do so here , for example: [{ override: 'price_campaign', name: 'green_price' }]
        propOverrides: []


The following events are pushed to gtm by this module:

  • add_to_cart - One or more products are added to the cart
  • remove_from_cart - One or more products are removed from the cart
  • view_item - A product page is viewed
  • view_item_list - A product in a list is scrolled into view
  • select_item - A product in a list is clicked
  • begin_checkout - The checkout page has been entered
  • purchase - A purchase has been made
  • original_location - The page where the user enters the site
  • virtual_page_view - A new navigation has been made
  • page_data - A page has been loaded
  • add_to_wishlist - A product has been added to the wishlist


The following cookies are set by this module:

  • ralph-gtm-user - This is a HttpOnly cookie with a random value (guid) plus a UNIX timestamp that is used to identify the user. It is set to expire in 2 years.

Note This cookie can be used as the master-cookie for serverside tracking. Read more about serverside tracking with master-cookies here.


Since this module is based on the [@nuxtjs/gtm](https://github.com/nuxt-community/gtm-module) module, it will conflict with it.

If you are already using the @nuxtjs/gtm module, you should uninstall it and use this module instead, which will include the @nuxtjs/gtm module as a dependency. If you are using the internal GTM events of Ralph, you should disable them by setting useExternalGtm to true in the publicRuntimeConfig of you nuxt.config.js file.



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  • olivia-geins
  • geins-io