
0.9.4 • Public • Published


A very lightweight library that implements the core features of jQuery.
In fact, it is just a syntactic sugar over the standard browser methods.
The library is suitable for old environments and very simple pages with basic interactions.

Supported browsers:

  • IE10+
  • All other "modern" browsers


You can download it from Releases or include directly from jsDelivr:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/not-jquery.min.js"></script>
  <!-- OR -->

API is inspired by jQuery - it returns a special array of elements (nj obj) and supports chaining:

var content = nj('.article').removeClass('highlight').find('.content');

If you do not want AJAX (and you probably don't), include dist/not-jquery-noajax.min.js.

Also, dist/not-browser.min.js can be used to detect unsupported browsers (ancient ones). Just include it before the main lib and then not-jquery will automatically skip initialization (your code will not be thrown with an error):

  <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/not-browser.min.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="dist/not-jquery.min.js"></script>


Not-jquery exports itself in window as nj.
For convenience, you can do this:

var $ = nj`;

You can extend nj with your own methods like so:

nj.proto.myMethod = myMethod;

Most methods return nj object which looks like Array and support some Array built in methods:

nj('.els').forEach(function (el) {
  var njObj = nj(el);



  • query - required one of the types:
    • String | CSS selector
    • HTMLElement
    • Array[HTMLElement]
    • Array[nj obj]

Returns nj obj with found DOM elements.
Calling nj('.els') = nj().find('.els').


  • selector - String not required | CSS selector

Finds the closest parent(s) matching the selector, or just a parent if selector is not specified.
Returns nj obj with DOM elements.


Removes previously matched elements from DOM.


  • string - String not required | HTML markdown

If string is passed, sets it as HTML content of matched elements.
Otherwise, returns inner HTML as a String.


  • text - String not required

If text is passed, sets it as content of matched elements.
Otherwise, returns inner Text as a String.

.attr(name [, value])

  • name - String not required | element attribute name
  • value - String or Object not required | attribute value

If value is passed, sets it as value for the attribute with the specified name.
Otherwise, returns an attribute value with the specified name as a String or Object (if the value can be parsed).
If name is not passed, returns all attribute as object: {attrName1: attrValue1, attrName2: attrValue2}.


  • name - String required | element attribute name

Removes an attribute with the specified name.


  • data - String or Object not required | data attribute name or {name: value}

If data is a String (ex: 'test'), returns value as a String or Object (if value can be parsed) for corresponding data attribute ('data-test').
If data is an Object ({dataName1: dataVal1, dataName2: dataVal2}), sets corresponding data attributes. CamelCase names will become dashed.
If data is not passed, returns all data attributes as an object {dataName1: dataVal1, dataName2: dataVal2}.


  • name - String required | element data attribute name

Removes attribute with the specified name, camelCase names will become dashed.
Example: nj('.els').removeData('exampleName') will remove data-example-name attribute.

.addClass(class1 [, class2]...)

  • classN - String required | class name or class names, separated with spaces ('class1 class2').

Adds classes to the elements.

.removeClass(class1 [, class2]...)

  • classN - String required | class name or class names, separated with spaces ('class1 class2').

Removes classes from the elements.

.toggleClass(class1 [, class2]...)

  • classN - String required | class name or class names, separated with spaces ('class1 class2').

Toggles classes for the elements.


  • class - String required | class name

Returns Boolean true if all matched elements have a class with the specified name.

.on(event, callback [, namespace])

  • event - String required | event name
  • callback - Function required | callback function
  • namespace - String not required | used to remove listeners

Adds an event listener for the specified event which will call the provided callback with the original event object.
Namespace can be used later to remove multiple listeners (may not be unique).

.off(event [, namespace])

  • event - String not required | event name
  • namespace - String not required | if you provided it for on method

If event is passed, removes all listeners for this event, or only ones that were added with the same namespace.
If nothing is passed, will remove all event listeners from the elements.

.transitionEnd(callback, target, prop [, pseudo])

  • callback - Function required | callback function
  • target - HTMLElement or String='all' or Nullish required | target element
  • prop - String not required | transitioned property name
  • pseudo - String='before'||'after' | listen event on pseudo-element

Adds an event listener for the transition end event with a more convenient API.
Calls callback after transition ended for the original matched element if target is Nullish; or if the event target matches passed HTMLElement (that could be the original element's child); or if the target is any element when passed the String 'all'.
If prop is passed, calls callback only for the specified property name transition end; otherwise calls for any properties.
If pseudo is passed, calls callback only if transitioned target is a pseudo-element (::bfore or ::after).


  • string - String required | HTML markdown

Creates and returns HTMLElements.



  • Type: Object

Contains all nj methods.
You can add your own methods to it before calling nj().


  • Type: String

The library version.


  • Type: Boolean or Undefined

Return true, if browser supports nj.
Only present if not-browser was included in the page before not-jquery.

AJAX method nj.ajax(settings, success, fail)

This method is not present in not-jquery-noajax.js.

settings{} object

  • settings.url - String required | requested URL
  • settings.method - String not required | method, default: 'GET' or 'POST' for forms
  • settings.user - String not required | username for authentication
  • settings.password - String not required | password for authentication
  • settings.body - String not required | request body
  • settings.form - Object not required | form object to send in body ({name: value})
  • settings.timeout - Number not required | request timeout (ms), default: 10000
  • settings.params - Object not required | will be included as query for GET or HEAD, and in body otherwise
  • settings.headers - Object not required | headers to set for request ({headerName: headerValue})
  • settings.dataType - String='html'||'json'||'text'||'auto' not required | response data type, body will be automatically parsed according to the specified dataType, default: 'auto' (if html, elements will be created from the markup)
  • settings.beforeSend - Function not required | calls this function before sending request with xhr object as a parameter
  • settings.readyStateChange - Function not required | calls this function when ready state changes for the request (with xhr object as a parameter)
  • settings.overrideMimeType - String not required | override request mime type

success(response, xhr) callback

  • response - String or HTMLElement or Object | parsed response, type can be changed via settings.dataType parameter
  • xhr - Object | original xhr object

Called when the request succeeded (200 response codes).

fail(response, xhr) callback

  • response - String or HTMLElement or Object | parsed response, type can be changed via settings.dataType parameter
  • xhr - Object | original xhr object

Called when the request failed.

NotBrowser Properties

You should include not-browser.js to use it.


  • Type: Boolean

Returns true, if browser supports nj.


  • Type: String

The library version.




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  • gerrproger