
2.0.0 • Public • Published


Two components for accepting crypto donations on the web.


A component for accepting crypto donations for a nonprofit. It weighs < 10 KB gzipped.

Quick Start

Add the following HTML to your page:

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@getchange/change-drop-in@1/dist/change-donation-form.min.js"></script>

You now have a donation form for Make-a-Wish 501(c)(3)!

Change the nonprofit by setting the nonprofit-id attribute. To find nonprofit ids for over 200K nonprofits, sign up for free at https://api.getchange.io and navigate to the Nonprofits tab. This component does not require any payment to use on your site.

Once you've signed up, set the public-key attribute to match your account. If you're a nonprofit collecting donations for yourself, you can skip the public key. Everyone else, find your account's public key at https://api.getchange.io/developers.

All attributes

Attribute Description
public-key (*required) The public key of your Change account. You can find your account's public key at https://api.getchange.io/developers.
nonprofit-id (*required) The ID of the nonprofit you'd like to accept donations for. You can find nonprofit IDs at https://api.getchange.io.
title-text The title text of the element. The default is "Make a donation".
success-url When a coinbase donation is completed, the page containing the <change-donation-form> will redirect to this URL, if provided.
quick-amounts Amounts to display to the user as default donation options. Provide 3 values as a valid JSON array. For example, quick-amounts='[5, 10, 20]'. The default is [10, 20, 50].
metadata-* Any attributes starting with "metdata-" will be attached to completed coinbase donations. For example, metadata-tracking-id="abcd" will add tracking-id: abcd to the resulting donation, so you can see it in your donation reports.
solana Add this attribute to accept SOL (Solana) donations. A second payment method option will appear in the form.


You can change the style of the donation form using CSS custom properties. For example:

    --background-color-primary: green;
    --color-primary: white;

All style properties

Property Description
--color Text color
--background-color Component background
--color-primary Primary and selected button text color
--color-disabled Disabled button text color
--background-color-primary Primary and selected button background color
--background-color-primary-hover Hovered primary and selected button background color
--background-color-disabled Disabled button background color
--input-border-color Input border color
--input-border-radius Input border radius
--input-color Input text color
--input-background-color Input background color
--input-background-color-hover Hovered input background color. Only applies to button inputs, not text inputs.
--input-color-hover Hovered input text color
--input-placeholder-color Input placeholder color

Here's an example of the default look, alongside a fully customized version:

Default Customized


A component for accepting crypto donations for any nonprofit in the Change system. It weighs < 13 KB gzipped.

Quick Start

Add the following HTML to your page:

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@getchange/change-drop-in@1/dist/change-drop-in.min.js"></script>

You now have a searchable donation widget, with access to all 200K vetted nonprofits in the Change system.

Once you've signed up, set the public-key attribute to match your account. You can find your account's public key at https://api.getchange.io/developers. This component does not require any payment to use on your site.

All attributes

Property Description
public-key (*required) The public key of your Change account. You can find your account's public key at https://api.getchange.io/developers.
featured-nonprofits The ids of nonprofits to feature. You can find nonprofit IDs at https://api.getchange.io. Specify ids as a JSON array, like this (the quote types are important): nonprofit-ids='["n_123", "n_abc"]'
title The title of the component.


You can change the style of the donation form using CSS custom properties. For example:

    --background-color-primary: green;
    --color-primary: white;

All style properties

Property Description
--color Text color
--background-color Component background
--color-primary Primary and selected button text color. Affects the donation form.
--color-disabled Disabled button text color. Affects the donation form.
--background-color-primary Primary and selected button background color. Affects the donation form.
--background-color-primary-hover Hovered primary and selected button background color. Affects the donation form.
--background-color-disabled Disabled button background color. Affects the donation form.
--input-border-color Input border color
--input-border-radius Input border radius
--input-color Input text color
--input-background-color Input background color
--input-color-hover Hovered input text color
--input-placeholder-color Input placeholder color
--search-result-background-hover Hovered background color of search results
--card-background-color Card background color
--detail-color Color of detail elements, such as the back button and field titles




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npm i @getchange/change-drop-in

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212 kB

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  • straversi