
0.6.0 • Public • Published



# Install with npm
npm install @gip-recia/extended-uportal-header

Usage as Web Component




The component support an internationalization mixin. This adds the additional prop messages which can be applied to override the default text messages in the various embed components.

For example:

  messages='[{"locales": ["en", "en-US"], "messages": { "message": {"favorites": { "add": "Add me to your favorites!" } }}}]'

The available messages to override are as follows:

  "message": {
    "services": {
      "title": "All services",
      "filter": "Find a service..."
    "favorites": {
      "add": "Add to favorites",
      "remove": "Remove from favorites",
      "title": "My Favorites",
      "empty": "No favorite defined"
    "filter": {
      "selectOption": "All categories"
    "userInfoPortletUrl": {
      "title": "See my account informations"
    "userChangeEtabUrl": {
      "title": "Select an other organization"
    "buttons": {
      "logout": "Sign out",
      "menuClose": "Close menu"
    "eyebrow": {
      "close": "Close account menu",
      "open": "Open account menu",
      "avatar": "avatar",
      "information": "See my account information",
      "logout": "Sign out"


  • messages: type: Object, optional, see internationalization;
  • domain: type: String, optional, target portal domain (ex : www.my-uportal.org). If not set current domain is used;
  • portal-path: type: String, optional, path add to domain to make portal url (ex : /portal);
  • service-name: type: String, optional, current service (app) name;
  • favorites-portlet-card-size: type: String, optional, possible value auto|large|medium|small|smaller, default: auto, define the size of portlet-cards component into favorite-content component part;
  • grid-portlet-card-size: type: String, optional, possible value auto|large|medium|small|smaller, default: auto, define the size of portlet-cards component into grid-content component part;
  • default-org-logo-url: type: String, optional, url to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api;
  • default-org-logo-path: type: String, optional, path from portal domain to provide an institutional picture when none is found from an optional api;
  • force-org-logo-url: type: String, optional, url to provide an institutional picture overriding the default-org-logo and the institutional one obtained by an api (used to have an overview before updating change to every users from the api);
  • force-org-logo-path: type: String, optional, path from portal domain to provide an institutional picture overriding the default-org-logo and the institutional one obtained by an api (used to have an overview before updating change to every users from the api);
  • force-org-icon-url: type: String, optional, url to provide an institutional picture overriding the default-org-logo and the institutional one obtained by an api (used to have an overview before updating change to every users from the api);
  • force-org-icon-path: type: String, optional, path from portal domain to provide an institutional picture overriding the default-org-logo and the institutional one obtained by an api (used to have an overview before updating change to every users from the api);
  • force-avatar-url: type: String, optional, url to provide a default avatar picture for user;
  • force-avatar-path: type: String, optional, path from portal domain to provide a default avatar picture for user;
  • context-api-url: type: String,optional, default: /uPortal, usefull to provide a different uPortal context on which to do request;
  • favorite-api-url: type: String,optional, default: /uPortal/api/layout, the uri/url of the favorites api;
  • layout-api-url: type: String,optional, default: /uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/layout.json, the uri/url of the layout api to request the favorite list in the oser defined order (only needed to get favorite's order defined by the user);
  • portlet-api-url: type: String,optional, default: /uPortal/api/v4-3/dlm/portletRegistry.json, the uri/url of the portletRegistry api to obtains user authorized portlet list;
  • organization-api-url: type: String,optional, optional, an uri/url of an api to retrieve organization informations, any json format is accepted, but configure user-org-id-attribute-name, user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name, org-logo-url-attribute-name to work with;
  • userInfo-api-url: type: String,optional, default: /uPortal/api/v5-1/userinfo, url/uri on which the api request is done to obtain user information and the jwt token;
  • template-api-url: type: String,optional, url on which the api request is done to obtain template informations;
  • template-api-path: type: String,optional, path from portal domain on which the api request is done to obtain template informations;
  • template: type: Object,optional, JSON Object that define icon (iconPath), icon opacity (iconOpacity) and background color (color). Icon opacity override css variable. ex : '{"iconPath": "","iconOpacity": 1,"color":"#057436"}' ;
  • sign-in-url: type: String, optional, an uri/url to of the login button. If not set and user not connected, component will only render not-loaded slot see not-loaded;
  • sign-out-url: type: String, default: /uPortal/Logout, an uri/url to call when user logout (for a logout button);
  • user-info-portlet-url: type: String, default: '', an url/uri to the user information application;
  • switch-org-portlet-url: type: String, default: '', an optional url/url of a rest api to obtain institutional organization information;
  • switch-org-event: type: Boolean, default: false, open change etab modal. switch-org-portlet-url need to be change etab api url;
  • user-org-id-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'ESCOSIRENCourant[0]', the attribute object path to obtain the id of the organization to retrieve from the organization's api;
  • org-logo-url-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'otherAttributes.ESCOStructureLogo[0]', the attribute object path to obtain the organization Picture from organization details obtained from the organization's api;
  • user-all-orgs-id-attribute-name: type: String, default: 'ESCOSIREN, the attribute object path to obtain all ids of the organizations linked to the user and to retrieve from the organization's api;
  • hide-action-mode: type: String : possible value auto|always|never, default: auto, define if we should show the actions, auto don't show on small breakpoint;
  • show-favorites-in-slider: type: boolean : show or not the favorites in a slider;
  • icon-type: type: String : possible value four-square|four-empty-square|nine-square|nine-empty-square|never, default: hamburger, define the menu icon type;
  • dont-override type: Object, optional, array of strings properties (camelcased) to not override in cas of default value usage;
  • portlet-info-api-url type: String, optional, the uri/url of the portlet api;
  • fname type: String, optional, fname of the corresponding portlet;
  • debug: type: Boolean, default: false, for the demo/debug mode to be able to run in a standalone way (disable api call).



The content of the menu slot replace the esco-content-menu component.

  <div slot="menu">...</div>


If icon-type attribute is set to custom, the content of the menu-icon slot replace the icon of the esco-content-menu component open button. Use the menu-icon slot of the esco-content-menu component;

  <div slot="menu-icon">APPS</div>


The content of the brand slot replace the portal icon, name and app.

  <div slot="brand">...</div>


The content of the user slot replace the the eyebrow-user-info component.

  <div slot="user">John Doe</div>


The not-loaded slot is displayed while remote datas (user and organisation infos) are not loaded.

  <div slot="not-loaded">Chargement en cours</div>


Extend Header

Currently this component supports CSS Variables for overriding styles.

:root {
  --ext-header-tpl-primary-color: #25b2f3;
  --ext-header-tpl-bg-color: var(--ext-header-tpl-primary-color);
  --ext-header-tpl-spaces: 8px;
  --ext-header-tpl-font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  --ext-header-tpl-font-size: 18px;
  --ext-header-tpl-font-color: #ffffff;
  --ext-header-tpl-icon-opacity: 0.6;

Embed ESCO Content Menu component

Currently this component supports CSS Variables for overriding button colors. Defining the following variables will change the colors for the component accordingly. They will fall back to the colors described below.

NOTE: This is only supported when the size attribute is set to custom.

You should define this in your custom stylesheet.

:root {
  --content-gridcard-padding: 5px;
  --content-gridcard-border: none;
  --content-gridcard-bg-color: white;
  --content-gridcard-border-radius: 5px;
  --content-gridcard-shadow: none;
  --content-gridcard-shadow-hover: none;
  --content-gridcard-size-w: 180px;
  --content-gridcard-size-h: 180px;
  --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px;
  --content-gridcard-icon-size: 75px;
  --content-gridcard-title-fontsize: 16px;
  --content-gridcard-description-fontsize: 16px;

  --content-griditem-margin: 20px auto;

source : [https://github.com/uPortal-Project/uPortal-web-components/tree/master/%40uportal/esco-content-menu]

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npm i @gip-recia/extended-uportal-header

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  • nathan.cailbourdin
  • indahjul
  • quentin-guillemin
  • jgribonvald
  • pierre.legay