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16.3.1 • Public • Published

gliff.ai STYLE

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👋 Welcome in! 👋

This repository contains the Open Source code for gliff.ai’s STYLE supporting library (gliff.ai’s user-interface pattern gallery).

STYLE documents themes and base components of gliff.ai products with a focus establishing consistency within the user-interface by using gliff.ai branding and human-centered design principles to ensure a unique and easily-understood user experience. When the full gliff.ai platform is used, STYLE provides user-interface patterns to create a consistent and user-friendly interface enabling the development of high-quality and auditable datasets that satisfy any relevant regulatory frameworks which enables our users to build world-changing and trustworthy AI models and products.

A preview build of the current main branch is here.

Our component storybook is here.

This repository does not accept most contributions unfortunately! However, an issue can still be raised if you recognise a problem you wish to bring to the gliff.ai teams attention.

Table of Contents

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This repository does not accept contributions unfortunately as content has been developed with specific gliff.ai team practises and preferences in mind. However, an issue can still be raised if you recognise a problem you wish to bring to the gliff.ai teams attention.

We do have several repositories within the gliff.ai github space that welcome all contributions and contributors on. These will be marked with the topic tag contributions-welcome meaning we welcome contributions on this repository! Search for them here!

Check out the gliff.ai Contribution Guide 👋 to learn more!


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Need some help? 🤔 Have a question? 🧠
Reach out to the gliff.ai team at community@gliff.ai or on our GitHub discussions.




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npm i @gliff-ai/style

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  • cooper667
  • chasnelson1990
  • christiannyadu