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0.1.12 • Public • Published



To use @gluestack-style/animation-plugin, all you need to do is install the @gluestack-style/animation-plugin package:

$ yarn add @gluestack-style/animation-plugin

# or

$ npm i @gluestack-style/animation-plugin


You can initialize the Animation plugin by creating a new instance of the AnimationResolver class and providing it as an argument to the createStyled function. The AnimationResolver takes an optional styledUtils object that maps the styled utils object. Here's an example:

import { createStyled } from '@gluestack-style/react';
import { AnimationResolver } from '@gluestack-style/animation-plugin';

const styled = createStyled([
  new AnimationResolver({
    aliases: {
      ':initial': 'initial',
      ':animate': 'animate',
      ':exit': 'exit',

In this example, we are creating a new instance of the AnimationResolver class, passing an object with the 'aliases' property as an argument. The aliases object maps the aliases :initial, :animate, and :exit to their corresponding animation props.

Example of creating a styled component:

Once the plugin is initialized, you can use the styled function to create styled components with animation props. Here's an example:

const Box = styled(Motion.View, {
  ':initial': { opacity: 0 },
  ':animate': { opacity: 1 },
  ':exit': { opacity: 0 },

The final internal styled object that will be resolved is:

styledObject = {
  'props': {
    initial: {
      opacity: 0,
    animate: {
      opacity: 1,
    exit: {
      opacity: 0,

More guides on how to get started are available here.

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npm i @gluestack-style/animation-plugin

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  • rayan1810
  • gluestackadmin
  • meenumakkar
  • geekashwini
  • madhavb230100
  • viraj-10
  • ankit-tailor
  • surajahmedc