OWL Token
The OWL token and related smart contracts.
The token and contract can be in Etherscan:
- Mainnet:
- Rinkeby:
- Kovan:
- xDAI:
Setup and show the networks
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Compile and restore the network addresses
yarn restore
# Show current network addresses
yarn networks
Execute migrations into a local ganache-cli
# Run ganache CLU
yarn rpc
# Execute the migrations
yarn migrate
# Or you can do all at once using
yarn migrate-all
Change the lock period time - re-deployment
The deployment script has an environemt variable LOCK_END_TIME
allows you to set a different lock period (30 days
by default).
# Deploy for develop with a given end time for lock period
# flag --reset is NECESSARY as you are re-deploying
# 24H format, please be careful!
LOCK_END_TIME='2018-06-12T16:00:00+02:00' yarn migrate --reset
(npm) > LOCK_END_TIME='2018-06-12T16:00:00+02:00' npm run migrate -- --reset
Generate a new version
# In a release branch (i.e. release/vX.Y.X)
# Migrate the version to the testnets, at least rinkeby, and posibly mainnet
# You can optionally change the gas price using the GAS_PRICE_GWEI env variable
# if you are changing LOCK_END_TIME here, flag --reset is NECESSARY as you are re-deploying
yarn restore
MNEMONIC=$MNEMONIC_OWL yarn migrate --network rinkeby
(npm) > MNEMONIC=$MNEMONIC_OWL npm run migrate -- --network rinkeby
# Extract the network file
yarn networks-extract
# Verify the contract in Etherscan
# Folow the steps in "Verify contract"
# Commit the network file
git add networks.json
git commit -m 'Updated the networks file'
> OR simply git commit -am 'Updated networks file'
# Generate version using Semantic Version: https://semver.org/
# For example, for a minor version
npm version minor
git push && git push --tags
# Deploy npm package
npm publish --access=public
# Merge tag into develop, to deploy it to production, also merge it into master
git checkout develop
git merge vX.Y.X
Verify contract manually
NOTE: For mainnet is better to use the automatic verification script (see next section)
Flatten the smart contract:
npx truffle-flattener contracts/5/TokenOWL.sol > build/TokenOWL-EtherScan.sol
npx truffle-flattener contracts/5/TokenOWLProxy.sol > build/TokenOWLProxy-EtherScan.sol
npx truffle-flattener contracts/5/OWLAirdrop.sol > build/OWLAirdrop-EtherScan.sol
Go to Etherscan validation page:
- Go tohttps://rinkeby.etherscan.io/verifyContract?a=
- Fill the information:
- Use
- Set the exact compiler version used for the compilation i.e.
- Optimization:
- Use
- Press validate
Verify contract automatically (mainnet only)
You can use verify-on-etherscan
NOTE: To use the verify You'll need to create an API Key in Etherscan for this step.
API_KEY=your-etherscan-api-key yarn verify
Verify contract on xDAI
Flatten the smart contract:
npx truffle-flattener contracts/4/BridgedTokenOWL.sol > build/BridgedTokenOWL-BlockScout.sol
Go to Blockscout validation page:
- Go to
- Fill the information:
- Use
- Compiler version:
- EVM Version:
- Optimization:
, Runs200
- Try to fetch contructor arguments automatically:
- Use
- Press validate
Change the owner
There's a script to change the OWL owner:
For example, to change the owner in rinkeby
to 0xb65d2c1a4756ee857fca057ef561758b42277f5e
# Dry run
MNEMONIC=$MNEMONIC_OWL yarn change-owner --owner 0xb65d2c1a4756ee857fca057ef561758b42277f5e --network rinkeby --dry-run
# Run the transaction
MNEMONIC=$MNEMONIC_OWL yarn change-owner --owner 0xb65d2c1a4756ee857fca057ef561758b42277f5e --network rinkeby