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0.0.46 • Public • Published

Golden Hippo Surveys

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This package requires that you have an instance of the GH Survey API deployed with a publicly accessible URL.



Import the SurveyAPI class from the package and instantiate it with a connection string to a deployed API. The connection string should be in the format of https://surveyapi.herokuapp.com (or whatever the deployed API URL is).

Note: There should be no slash at the end of the URL.

import { SurveyAPI } from "@goldenhippo/gh-surveys";

const surveyAPI = new SurveyAPI(

SurveyAPI Methods

The SurveyAPI class has the following methods:

  • retrieve(sessionId: string) - Retrieves all responses for a given session ID. Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of SurveyRetrievalResponse objects.
  • ensureTableExists(create: boolean = false) - Confirms that the survey_responses table exists in the database. If it does not exist, the create parameter can be passed to create the table. Returns a Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the table exists. This process should only be run on application startup because it is an expensive operation.
  • submitToDB(surveyResponse: SurveyResponse) - Submits a SurveyResponse object to the database. Returns a Promise that resolves to a SurveySubmitResponse object.

SurveyAPI Usage

import { SurveyAPI } from "@goldenhippo/gh-surveys";

const surveyAPI = new SurveyConnection(

const responses = surveyAPI.retrieve("1234")
  .then((sessionResponses) => {
      //Find the age response
      const ageResponse = sessionResponses.find(response => response instanceof SurveyResponse.Age)
      if(ageResponse) {
      const ageSelection = ageResponse.answer
      //Do something based on the answer which will be one of the enum options

const tableExists = await surveyAPI.ensureTableExists(); // Validate that table exists, but do not create it if it does not.

const tableExistsWithCreate = await surveyAPI.ensureTableExists(true); // Validate that table exists, and create it if it does not.


The SurveyResponse class is an abstract class that should be extended to create a response for a specific survey question type. The created object can then be submitted to the database using the SurveyAPI.submitToDB method and returns a promise that resolves to a SurveySubmitResponse object.

The response object has the following structure:

  success: boolean,
  response: {
    answer: string,
    sessionId: string,
    questionType: string
  } | null
import { SurveyAPI, SurveyResponse } from "@goldenhippo/gh-surveys";

const surveyAPI = new SurveyAPI(

const ageResponse = new SurveyResponse.Age({
  question: "How old are you?",
  rawAnswer: "21",
  answer: "AGE_18_24",
  sessionId: "1234",
const ageSubmission = apiConnection.submitToDB(ageResponse)
.then((response) => {
      success: true,
      response: {
        answer: "AGE_18_24",
        sessionId: "1234",
        questionType: "AGE"

Question Types

The SurveyResponse class allows you to create responses for the following question types:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • DigestiveIssue
  • IssueAge
  • BowelMovementWeekly
  • SolutionDifficulty

Note: To view the available questions and answers, you can access the configuration file from your API URL at /config. For example, https://yourapi.herokuapp.com/config.


Each of the question types has a set of possible answers. The answers are defined as static properties on the class. For example, the SurveyResponse.Gender class has the following possible answers:

  • MALE

Note: To view the available questions and answers, you can access the configuration file from your API URL at /config. For example, https://yourapi.herokuapp.com/config.



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